Sana Pathan

Head - Infra, Security & Migrations

Sana Pathan is working at CloudThat as Cloud Solutions Architect. She is AWS certified DevOps Professional and Microsoft Azure Solutions Expert. She has experience delivering solutions for customers from various industry domains. Sana has supported many customers with Cloud migration and cloud security, followed by Managed Services Support and an attempt to provide the best cloud experience to our customers through transparent communication, the best approach, and diligence.

Sana Pathan Blogs

Total Posts : 7

AWS, Cloud Computing

Streamline Your Cloud Migration Journey - Part 2

By Sana Pathan

Sep 20, 2023

AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing, Google Cloud (GCP)

Unveiling the Path to Cloud Migration – Part 1

By Sana Pathan

Sep 20, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing

Streamline and Simplify: Centralize Your AWS Notifications with Ease

By Sana Pathan

Jul 19, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing

Spend Smarter, Save More: CloudThat's Automated Approach to Cost Reduction

By Sana Pathan

Jun 13, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing

Simplify your Infrastruture Management with AWS Resilience Hub 

By Sana Pathan

Apr 3, 2023

Sana Pathan Case Studies

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