Cloud Computing, Data Analytics

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Change Data Capture (CDC) in Dynamic Data Environments

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In the dynamic landscape of today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly evolving, and so is the data they generate. Organizations need to adapt quickly to changes in their data sources to stay competitive. This is where Change Data Capture (CDC) comes into play, offering a powerful solution to track and manage data changes efficiently. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of the Change Data Capture design pattern, exploring its significance, implementation, and the benefits it brings to the table.

Change Data Capture

Change Data Capture is a design pattern that identifies and captures changes made to data in a database. These changes can include inserts, updates, and deletes, providing a comprehensive view of how data evolves over time.

CDC is particularly crucial in scenarios where real-time or near-real-time data synchronization is required between different systems or components.

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Key Components of Change Data Capture

  1. Source System:

The source system is where the original data resides. It can be a database, file system, or other data repository. Changes occurring in this source system are what we aim to capture using the CDC design pattern.

  1. Change Data:

Change data refers to the modifications made to the source data. These changes can be classified into three main types:

  • Inserts: New records added to the source system.
  • Updates: Existing records modified in the source system.
  • Deletes: Records removed from the source system.
  1. Change Data Capture Mechanism:

The CDC design pattern employs various mechanisms to capture changes, such as database triggers, log-based CDC, or a hybrid approach combining both. The choice of mechanism depends on factors like performance, data volume, and the nature of the source system.

  1. Change Data Store:

The captured change data needs a dedicated store for storage and processing. This store can be a separate database, tables within the source database, or even a message queue. The design of the change data store is critical for efficient querying and retrieval of change information.

Benefits of Change Data Capture

  1. Real-Time Data Synchronization:

One of the primary advantages of CDC is its ability to provide real-time or near-real-time data synchronization between different systems. This is crucial in scenarios where timely and accurate information is paramount, such as financial transactions or inventory management.

  1. Minimized Data Transfer:

CDC minimizes the amount of data that needs to be transferred between systems. Network bandwidth is conserved by only transmitting the changes rather than entire datasets and system performance is optimized.

  1. Improved Data Quality:

With a granular view of data changes, organizations can maintain a more accurate and reliable record of their data. This, in turn, enhances data quality and integrity, reducing the likelihood of errors and discrepancies.

  1. Reduced Latency:

Traditional data extraction methods can introduce latency in data processing. CDC minimizes this latency by capturing changes as they occur, leading to faster data integration and analysis.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Data Volume and Performance:

High transaction volumes can pose challenges for CDC implementations. Careful consideration is required to ensure that the chosen CDC mechanism can handle the data volume without compromising system performance.

  1. Schema Changes:

Changes to the source system’s schema can impact the effectiveness of CDC. The design must be flexible enough to accommodate schema changes without significant disruptions to the CDC process.

  1. Data Consistency:

Ensuring consistency between the source system and the change data store is critical. Failures during the capture process or discrepancies in the captured data can lead to data inconsistencies, affecting downstream processes.

  1. Error Handling and Monitoring:

Implementing robust error-handling mechanisms and monitoring tools is essential for identifying and resolving issues promptly. Timely detection of errors ensures the integrity of the captured change data.

Case Study: Change Data Capture in E-Commerce

Let’s explore a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the practical application of Change Data Capture in an e-commerce setting. Consider an online retail platform that manages product listings, customer orders, and inventory.


  • Customers place orders, resulting in an insert operation in the orders table.
  • The inventory is updated as products are shipped, leading to updated operations in the products table.
  • Occasionally, products are discontinued, triggering delete operations in the products table.

Change Data Capture Implementation

  • Database triggers are set up on the orders and products tables to capture inserts, updates, and deletes.
  • The captured change data is stored in a dedicated change data store, allowing for efficient tracking of order history and product availability.
  • A real-time data synchronization mechanism ensures that inventory levels are instantly updated and order status changes are reflected across the system.


  1. Real-time inventory management, preventing overselling or stockouts.
  2. Accurate order tracking for customers and improved customer satisfaction.
  3. Efficient data integration with analytics platforms for business intelligence.


Change Data Capture is a powerful design pattern that addresses the challenges of managing and synchronizing evolving data in dynamic environments. Its ability to capture granular changes in real-time or near-real-time makes it a valuable tool for organizations across various industries. While implementing CDC requires careful consideration of factors like data volume, performance, and security, the benefits in terms of real-time synchronization, minimized data transfer, and improved data quality make it a worthwhile investment. As businesses continue to rely on data-driven decision-making, the Change Data Capture design pattern stands out as a key enabler for maintaining the agility and accuracy of data in today’s rapidly changing world.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Change Data Capture and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. Can Change Data Capture be applied to non-relational databases or data sources?

ANS: – Yes, Change Data Capture can be implemented for various types of databases and data sources beyond traditional relational databases.

2. Can Change Data Capture be used in a cloud-based infrastructure?

ANS: – Yes, whether your data resides on-premises or in the cloud, CDC can be adapted to synchronize changes across different cloud platforms, databases, or hybrid environments, providing flexibility and scalability.

WRITTEN BY Aehteshaam Shaikh

Aehteshaam Shaikh is working as a Research Associate - Data & AI/ML at CloudThat. He is passionate about Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Cloud Computing and is eager to learn new technologies.



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