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A Guide on Configuring Backup for Amazon EC2 Instances using AWS Backup Service

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Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances are essential for many cloud-based applications and services. As with any critical data or application, it’s important to have a backup strategy to prevent data loss or downtime during an outage or other issues. Fortunately, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a solution: AWS Backup Service.

This guide will walk you through configuring backups for your Amazon EC2 instances using the AWS Backup Service. This includes setting up backup plans, creating backup rules, and restoring backups in a disaster. By following this guide, you’ll have a reliable backup strategy for your Amazon EC2 instances, ensuring your data is always safe and secure.

AWS Backup Service is a fully managed backup service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it easy to centralize and automate backups across AWS services. It provides a simple, centralized way to back up data across AWS services such as Amazon EBS, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EFS, and Amazon EC2.

AWS Backup Service provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for protecting your data and applications, enabling you to meet compliance and regulatory requirements for backup and recovery easily.


  • AWS Account
  • Amazon EC2 Instances
  • AWS Backup Service permissions
  • AWS Backup Service setup

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Architecture Diagram


The architecture diagram illustrates how the Amazon EC2 instance backup is carried out using the AWS Backup service and the AWS Backup vault.

Steps to Configure AWS EC2 Instance Backup with AWS Backup Service

Step 1 – Steps to Create an Amazon EC2 Instance

  1. In the AWS Console, Select the Amazon EC2 service from the list of available services.
  2. Click the “Launch Instance” button to start the instance creation process.
  3. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for your instance. An AMI is a pre-configured virtual machine image that contains the necessary operating system, applications, and other dependencies.
  4. Select an instance type, which determines the hardware resources (CPU, memory, storage, etc.) that your instance will have.
  5. Configure your instance details, such as the number of instances to launch, network settings, and storage options.
  6. Configure your security group, which controls your instance’s inbound and outbound traffic (SSH and HTTP should be attached).
  7. Review your instance details and click “Launch” to start the instance.
  8. Create or choose an existing key pair that will be used to connect to your instance securely.
  9. After launching the instance, go to actions and under security, modify the IAM role, and attach the Amazon EC2 Instance profile role.


Step 2 – Steps to Create a Backup Vault:

  1. In AWS Management Console, Select the AWS Backup service from the list of available services.
  2. Click on “Create Backup Vault” to start the creation process.
  3. Provide a unique name for the backup vault.
  4. Choose the AWS region where you want to create the backup vault.
  5. Choose an encryption setting for the backup vault. You can use the default AWS Key Management Service (KMS) master key or create a custom KMS key.
  6. Review the backup vault details and click “Create backup vault” to complete the process.

Once the backup vault is created, you can use it to store and manage backups of your AWS resources. You can configure backup policies, schedules, and retention settings for each backup job and monitor the backup status and metrics using the AWS Backup console or API. Additionally, you can use the AWS Backup service to restore your backups to the original or alternate locations as needed.


An AWS backup plan is a set of rules and configurations that define how and when data backups should be performed for AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, EBS volumes, RDS databases, DynamoDB tables, and others.

An AWS backup plan typically includes the following components:

  • Backup rules: Backup rules define the backup frequency, retention period, and lifecycle management for each backup job. You can create backup rules for different types of resources and apply them to multiple backup jobs.
  • Backup vaults: Backup vaults are the storage locations for the backups. You can create multiple backup vaults in different regions and assign backup rules to them.
  • Backup policies: Backup policies define the backup plan schedule, which specifies when the backup jobs should run. You can create multiple backup policies and apply them to different resources.
  • Backup monitoring and reporting: AWS Backup provides various tools and metrics to monitor and report on backup jobs, such as backup success rates, backup storage usage, and backup cost analysis.

Using AWS backup plans, you can automate and centralize your backup management across multiple AWS accounts and regions, ensuring your critical data is protected and recoverable in case of disasters or accidental data loss. You can also use AWS backup plans to comply with regulatory requirements, such as data retention policies and disaster recovery plans.
Step 3 – Steps to create Backup Plan:

  1. AWS Management Console, Select the AWS Backup service from the list of available services.
  2. Click on “Backup plans” in the left-hand navigation menu and Click on the “Create backup plan” button.
  3. Select the “Build a new plan” option, click “Next” and provide a unique name for the backup plan and an optional description.
  4. Choose the plan’s backup frequency and retention settings, such as daily or weekly backups, and the retention period in days or months.
  5. Select the AWS resources you want to include in the backup plan, such as Amazon EC2 instances, EBS volumes, RDS databases, or DynamoDB tables.
  6. Choose the backup vault or vaults where the backups will be stored.
  7. Configure the backup options for each selected resource, such as the backup frequency, retention period, and lifecycle management.
  8. Review the backup plan summary and click “Create backup plan” to complete the process.

Once the backup plan is created, you can monitor and manage the backup jobs using the AWS Backup console or API. You can also modify the backup plan settings, add or remove resources, or update the backup rules.



Step 4 – Steps to create Assign resources in a backup plan

  1. In Assign resource, Give the recourse assignment name and leave the IAM role as the default
  2. In resource selection, select include specific resource types
  3. In selecting specific resource types, select the ec2 resource from the list and then select the Amazon EC2, which we have created before.
  4. Click on Assign resources.






This guide has provided a step-by-step process for configuring backups for Amazon EC2 instances using the AWS Backup service. By following these steps, users can ensure that their data is backed up and protected in the event of data loss or disaster. The AWS Backup service provides a simple and efficient way to automate backup schedules, manage backups across multiple AWS accounts and regions, and easily restore data when needed. It is important to regularly test backups to ensure they are functioning as expected and update backup plans as business needs evolve.

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1. What AWS services are supported by AWS Backup Service?

ANS: – AWS Backup Service supports a wide range of AWS services, including Amazon EBS, Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EFS, AWS Storage Gateway, and Amazon EC2 instances.

2. How much does AWS Backup Service cost?

ANS: – AWS Backup Service pricing is based on the amount of data backed up, the number of backup operations performed, and the storage period. Users are charged separately for backup storage and data transfer.

WRITTEN BY Ramyashree V

Ramyashree V is working as a Research Associate in CloudThat. She is an expert in Kubernetes and works on many containerization-based solutions for clients. She is interested in learning new technologies in Cloud services.



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