AWS, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics

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Integrating Amazon Redshift with Tableau for Data Analytics

Voiced by Amazon Polly


In the contemporary data-centric landscape, the capacity to effectively analyze and visualize extensive datasets is pivotal for making well-informed decisions. Amazon Redshift, a robust data warehousing solution, and Tableau, a preeminent data visualization tool, are widely recognized platforms organizations adopt to handle and derive valuable insights from their data efficiently. This comprehensive guide aims to give you a general comprehension of establishing a connection between Amazon Redshift and Tableau, enabling the amalgamation of these tools’ capabilities.

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a powerful, fully managed data warehouse service that Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides. Designed for high-performance analytics, it enables businesses to efficiently store and analyze vast amounts of data at a scale that would be challenging using traditional databases.

Redshift uses columnar storage, which improves query performance by reducing the amount of data read from disk and minimizing I/O overhead. Additionally, it utilizes parallel query execution across multiple nodes, allowing it to handle complex analytical queries quickly.

As a cloud-based service, Redshift eliminates the need for hardware provisioning and maintenance, making it cost-effective and scalable. Users can easily resize their clusters to accommodate changing data requirements. Data loading and backup operations are also streamlined through integration with AWS tools.

Moreover, Redshift offers seamless integration with various data sources and BI tools, facilitating data ingestion and analysis. Users can use standard SQL to interact with the database, making it accessible to analysts and data engineers with SQL expertise.

Amazon Redshift empowers businesses to derive valuable insights from large datasets, providing a flexible and scalable solution for modern data warehousing and analytics needs.

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Tableau is a leading data visualization and business intelligence platform that empowers organizations to transform complex datasets into interactive and insightful visualizations. With a user-friendly interface and powerful analytics capabilities, Tableau enables users of all skill levels to explore, analyze, and share data-driven insights effectively.

The platform supports many data sources, including spreadsheets, databases, and cloud services, allowing users to connect and blend data from multiple sources seamlessly. Its drag-and-drop functionality enables the creation of interactive dashboards and reports without complex coding.

Tableau’s strength lies in its ability to handle massive datasets and deliver real-time data analysis. Users can create dynamic visualizations, charts, graphs, and maps that update automatically as data changes, enabling real-time decision-making.

Moreover, Tableau provides robust analytics tools, including forecasting, statistical analysis, and trend identification, empowering users to uncover hidden patterns and relationships within their data. The platform also supports advanced analytics by integrating statistical tools and programming languages like R and Python.

Tableau’s collaborative features facilitate sharing and collaboration within teams, allowing users to publish and share dashboards securely across the organization or with external stakeholders. This fosters data-driven decision-making and ensures everyone can access the most up-to-date information.

ODBC connector

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) connector is a standard interface that allows applications to access and interact with various databases using a consistent method. It bridges database management systems and applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange regardless of the database’s underlying technology or vendor. ODBC connectors provide a unified API, making it easier for developers to write applications connecting to multiple databases without learning different database-specific protocols. This flexibility and interoperability make ODBC connectors essential for enabling database connectivity and data access across various applications and platforms.
The ODBC connector used here is downloadable from the Amazon Redshift console. Here, it is downloaded for Windows 64-bit.


Steps to Configure the ODBC Connector

Once installed, the connector can be configured as below.

  1. Go to the “System DSN” tab, click “Add” to add a DSN source, and name it accordingly.


2. Click “Configure” and add Server details, i.e., Amazon Redshift endpoint (without the port no. and database id).


Add the port number, Database name, Authentication Type, Username, and Password of the Database.


3. Go to the “SSL” tab and change “SSL Mode” to “require”.


Steps to Connect the Tableau and Amazon Redshift

In the Amazon Redshift cluster, “Actions” tick the checkbox in the Modify publicly accessible setting.  This enables the public tables to be accessible by Tableau.


To connect to the Amazon Redshift tables in Tableau, go to “Connect To a Server” and select Amazon Redshift.


It will open a configuration page.


In the “General” tab, fill in the Server details, i.e., Amazon Redshift Endpoint, Port no., database name, user name, and password details. Also, tick the Checkbox “Required SSL”. Once the sign-in button is clicked on a successful connection, the Amazon Redshift tables should be visible on the left-hand Panel.


Now, Visuals are ready to be built in Tableau for Dashboarding.


In this blog, a simple way of connecting Amazon Redshift to Tableau to build a versatile data analytics solution is explored. Tableau has the benefit of having a large user community and an extensive collection of resources, including forums, blogs, and tutorials, fostering a supportive learning environment.

It also supports connectivity to numerous data sources, including spreadsheets, databases, cloud-based platforms, and web services, making it versatile for data integration. Amazon Redshift, on the other hand, provides a very powerful warehousing solution.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Amazon Redshift and Tableau and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. Is Tableau free?

ANS: – No, it is not free. But for learning purposes, it can be used for 15 days trial with all its features.

2. Is the ODBC connector free to download?

ANS: – Yes, the connector used here is downloadable from Amazon Redshift service at no extra cost.

3. What are the advantages of using Amazon Redshift?

ANS: – Some key advantages of Amazon Redshift include:

  • Fast query performance for complex analytical workloads.
  • Easy scalability to handle large datasets and varying workloads.
  • Fully managed service, eliminating the need for infrastructure management.
  • Integration with various data sources and business intelligence tools.
  • Cost-effective pay-as-you-go pricing model.

WRITTEN BY Rishi Raj Saikia

Rishi Raj Saikia is working as Sr. Research Associate - Data & AI IoT team at CloudThat.  He is a seasoned Electronics & Instrumentation engineer with a history of working in Telecom and the petroleum industry. He also possesses a deep knowledge of electronics, control theory/controller designing, and embedded systems, with PCB designing skills for relevant domains. He is keen on learning new advancements in IoT devices, IIoT technologies, and cloud-based technologies.



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