AWS, Azure, Cloud Computing

4 Mins Read

Integrating Azure AD and AWS SSO for Effortless Access

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Access management and security are critical aspects of any organization’s cloud infrastructure. As businesses adopt multiple cloud platforms, managing user identities and access permissions across different services becomes complex. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a robust solution called AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) to address this challenge. In this blog, we will explore how AWS SSO can be integrated with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access management service. This integration allows organizations to streamline user provisioning, authentication, and authorization processes, providing a seamless and secure user experience across AWS and Azure environments.


Azure AD: Azure AD (Azure Active Directory) is a cloud-based identity and access management service provided by Microsoft. It is a central hub for managing user identities and controlling access to various resources, applications, and services within the Azure ecosystem.

AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO): It is a cloud-based service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the management of access to AWS accounts and business applications. It allows users to sign into their AWS accounts with their existing corporate credentials, providing a centralized and secure access control mechanism. AWS SSO streamlines user access management, improves security, and enhances the overall user experience

SSO: Single Sign-On is an authentication mechanism that allows users to securely access multiple applications and systems with just one set of credentials (username and password). With SSO, users do not need to remember and enter separate login credentials for each application. Instead, they authenticate once and gain access to multiple applications seamlessly.

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Key Benefits of AWS SSO Integration with Azure AD

  • Simplified user provisioning: Azure AD can be used as the identity source for AWS SSO, enabling centralized user management.
  • Single sign-on experience: Users can access AWS and Azure resources with a single set of credentials, improving user productivity.
  • Centralized access control: Administrators can define access policies in Azure AD and enforce them across AWS services.
  • Enhanced security: Integration enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) and session control.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create an Enterprise application in your Azure account

  • Sign in to the Azure portal
  • On the left navigation pane, select the Azure Active Directory service.


  • Navigate to Enterprise Applications on the left blade.



  • In the enterprise application, select All Applications.


  • To add a new application, select a new application.
  • In the Add from the gallery section, type AWS IAM Identity Centre in the search box.


  • Select AWS IAM Identity Center from the results panel and add the app. Wait a few seconds while the app is added to your tenant.

Step 2: Navigate into the Enterprise application and configure set-up single sign-on

  • Search for Enterprise application in the search bar and navigate to all applications.


  • Select the application you recently created for Azure AD SSO integration with AWS IAM Identity Centre.


  • Navigate to SAML inside Single sign-on
  • Upload the metadata of the service provider inside the basic SAML configuration.


  • Upload metadata to fill in the required details automatically.


  • After updating, navigate to SAML certification and download the Federation metadata XML.


Best Practices and Considerations

  • Ensuring proper synchronization and consistency between Azure AD and AWS SSO.
  • Implement least privilege access and adhere to the principle of least privilege.
  • Monitoring and auditing access activities across both AWS and Azure environments.
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest integration features and security enhancements.


Integrating AWS SSO with Azure AD offers organizations a powerful solution for managing user identities and access across multiple cloud platforms. This integration enhances security and improves user productivity by simplifying user provisioning, enabling single sign-on, and providing centralized access control.

Organizations can leverage Azure AD’s robust identity and access management capabilities while benefiting from the extensive range of AWS services. As businesses adopt multi-cloud strategies, integrating AWS SSO with Azure AD becomes crucial for efficient and secure access management.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding AWS SSO or Azure AD and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. Can multi-factor authentication (MFA) be used with AWS SSO and Azure AD integration?

ANS: – Yes, integrating AWS SSO with Azure AD allows you to enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security. Azure AD supports various MFA methods, such as SMS verification codes, mobile app notifications, and hardware tokens, which can be used during the sign-in process to enhance authentication.

2. Can I audit and monitor access activities using AWS SSO integration with Azure AD?

ANS: – Yes, both AWS SSO and Azure AD provide logging and monitoring capabilities. You can monitor sign-in activities, track user access to AWS and Azure resources, and generate audit reports to ensure compliance and detect suspicious activities.

WRITTEN BY Kashyap Nitinbhai Shani

Kashyap Nitinbhai Shani is a Research Associate at CloudThat. He is interested to learn advanced technologies and gain insights into new and upcoming cloud services. He likes writing tech blogs and learning new languages.



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