AI/ML, Azure, Azure Machine Learning, Cloud Computing

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How to prepare for Microsoft Azure certification AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution

Microsoft recently announced AI certification named Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution (AI-100).

Expected date of release is 15th March 2019 however you can still attempt it in beta.

Microsoft Certified Associate - AI 100

What is AI-100 Certification all about?

AI-100 Certification is for engineers who have intermediate to expert level understanding of Machine Learning and are responsible for deploying end-to-end AI solutions on Azure using various AI & ML services.

Certification Pattern:

Certification Pattern AI 100

There were 62 questions and 220 minutes to solve them. This time slot also included 20-30 minutes for reading the instructions.

My Experience:

  1. AI-100 Certification is a test to check your ability to use Azure AI services in a solution. It is expected from the candidate to be able to design an end-to-end solution from the point of gathering the data to finally displaying or storing the result after Machine Learning.
  2. Certification had questions from Stream Analytics, Data Factory, Azure ML Studio, Bot Service, Event Hub, Azure IoT Hub, Azure IoT Edge, Logic Apps, Function, Azure ML Pipeline, Azure Notebook, Cognitive Services, Storage Account, SQL Data Warehouse, HDInsight and Data Bricks. Also, unlike administrator series, there were no labs in AI-100.
  3. Knowledge of Machine Learning is a prerequisite as many of the questions were framed like:
    • “You are responsible for deploying CNN model …”
    • “You are deploying image processing solution…”
    • “You are deploying this… deep learning solution”
  1. Got a case study on Bot Service integration with Azure App services.

Type of Questions

You can expect following types of questions:

  1. Scenario-based single answer question
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Arrange in the correct sequence type questions
  4. Fill in the blank based drag & drop questions
  5. One case study with 5 questions

Note: Read instructions carefully as for some questions you cannot go back and review the answers.

What to expect & prepare for:

Topic breakage

How to prepare:

There is nothing better than official Azure documentation & Microsoft learn. Microsoft learn contains free hands-on labs. For AI-100 all the labs on MS learn are listed here.

CloudThat also has a course for this now, which I will be delivering. If you want to fast-track your certification journey, you can join this course. For more details kindly check following course details:

Microsoft Azure Certification BootCamp for AI-100 (Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution)

If you have any comment or question, then do write it in the comment.

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  1. Akshay

    Oct 14, 2020


    This was very helpful. Thanks to the author

  2. Arbind

    Jul 22, 2019


    Can you please tell me about the questions pattern, questions, etc.?

  3. Click to Comment

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