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Empowering Remote Work with Amazon WorkSpaces – Part 2

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In our last blog, we explored Empowering Remote Work with Amazon WorkSpaces – Part 1.
Amazon Workspaces lets you deploy secure, cloud-based desktops that are accessible from any device. Choose Quick Setup for basic needs or Full Configuration for fine-tuning. Set up Amazon VPC and directory and define Amazon WorkSpace specs. Launch and connect through the client app. Pay per use and enjoy enhanced security, scalability, and user experience. Explore the official docs for detailed implementation steps and advanced options.

Now, let’s move on to implementation, setting up Amazon Workspaces.


In this guide, you’ll discover the process of setting up a virtual desktop, referred to as Amazon WorkSpace, on the cloud. The tutorial covers provisioning for Microsoft Windows, Amazon Linux, or Ubuntu Linux through Amazon WorkSpaces and AWS Directory Service.

We’ll be utilizing the quick setup option to initiate your Amazon WorkSpace. This choice is accessible for those who have never launched an Amazon WorkSpace. Alternatively, refer to the “Launch a virtual desktop using WorkSpaces” section for additional guidance.


Quick setup is supported in the following AWS Regions:

  • US East (N. Virginia)
  • US West (Oregon)
  • Europe (Ireland)
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)
  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

To change your Region, see Choosing a Region.

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Step-by-Step guide

Step 1 – CreateVpcWizard in the Amazon VPC Console.


Step 2 – Check the private subnets (Keep a note of it) of the Amazon VPC Console.


Step 3 – Set up a directory. Enter directory information and click next.


Step 4 – Choose Amazon VPC and subnets from Step 1 and Step 2.


Step 5 – Set up a directory – Review & create Directory


Step 6 – After Setting up a directory – Select Directory, Click Action, and Register


Step 7 – Select the Registered Directory in the Amazon WorkSpaces console


Step 8 – Create users and Enter information on the Amazon WorkSpaces console


Step 9 – Select the user & click Next Amazon WorkSpaces console


Step 10 – Switch to {Standard} and Select Ubuntu OS WorkSpaces console


Step 11 – Select Running Mode as AutoStop set interval. Click Next Amazon WorkSpaces console.


Step 12 – Review and Click Create in the Amazon WorkSpaces console


Step 13 – Click “ws-3ky39yrs0” in the Amazon WorkSpaces console.


Step 14 – Keep the Note of the Registration Code and Username in the Amazon WorkSpaces console


Step 15 – You’ve got an email in your inbox with instructions to reset your password. Just click on the provided link.



Step 16 – Install Amazon WorkSpaces Client Application in your Devices and Open


Step 17 – Paste your Registration Code from Step 14 and Click Register


Step 18 – Paste your Username from Step 14 and the Password you set in Step 15 and Click Sign-In.



Organizational-level Use Cases

Scenario 1: Small Organization Seeking Agile Cloud Desktops

Simple AD provides a free and user-friendly directory service for budget-conscious startups or small businesses, simplifying the transition to secure cloud desktops without upfront investments in on-premises AD infrastructure. Workspaces’ scalable nature readily accommodates team growth, ensuring everyone has access to the resources they need when they need them.

Scenario 2: Mid-Sized Company Prioritizing User Experience

Mid-sized companies familiar with Active Directory can leverage Simple AD’s intuitive interface for seamless user and group management, minimizing disruption and ensuring a smooth transition to cloud desktops. The wide range of Workspaces configurations empowers individuals with personalized desktop environments, boosting productivity and satisfaction.

Scenario 3: Enterprise Requiring Compliance and Security

Large enterprises demanding enhanced security and compliance can utilize Simple AD’s centralized authentication and authorization and AWS IAM role-based access control to enforce granular access permissions and adhere to data security regulations. Daily snapshots of Amazon Workspaces and directory backups can also ensure rapid recovery in case of unexpected events.


Creating an Amazon Workspace can be straightforward, whether you prefer the streamlined Quick Setup option, or the more granular control offered by full configuration.

Ultimately, the best path for you depends on your specific needs and priorities:

Quick Setup:

  • Pros: Fast and easy, ideal for testing or personal use.
  • Cons: Limited customization options and pre-selected settings may not be optimal.

Full Configuration:

  • Pros: Highly customizable, allows fine-tuning to your specific requirements.
  • Cons: Requires more technical knowledge and configuration steps.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consider Quick Setup for a basic workspace or initial testing.
  • Opt for full configuration if you need customization, control over security settings, or specific software needs.
  • Refer to the AWS documentation for detailed instructions and advanced options.


While Simple AD is free, Workspaces usage incurs costs based on chosen configurations. Conduct a thorough cost analysis to align with your budget.

Explore further customization options like custom security groups and directory configurations for greater control and flexibility.

Consider integrating Workspaces with other AWS services, like Amazon WorkDocs and Amazon WorkMail, for a comprehensive cloud productivity suite.

Deploying Amazon Workspaces with Simple AD offers a customizable and cost-effective path to cloud desktops, enhancing user experience, boosting agility, and strengthening security.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Amazon WorkSpaces and we will get back to you quickly.

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CloudThat is a leading provider of Cloud Training and Consulting services with a global presence in India, the USA, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Specializing in AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, VMware, Databricks, and more, the company serves mid-market and enterprise clients, offering comprehensive expertise in Cloud Migration, Data Platforms, DevOps, IoT, AI/ML, and more.

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1. Who should use Amazon Workspaces?

ANS: – Individuals and organizations of all sizes who need flexible and secure desktop access.

2. What are the different ways to set up Amazon WorkSpaces?

ANS: – You can use the Quick Setup option for a fast and easy setup or choose full configuration for more control and customization.

3. How do I connect to my Amazon WorkSpace?

ANS: – You can use the Amazon WorkSpaces client application on your device to connect to your WorkSpace.

WRITTEN BY Navneet Nirmal Toppo

Navneet is a Research Associate at CloudThat. He is a Microsoft Certified Solution Professional and a Certified Network Security Specialist and who has experience in AWS, Azure, GCP & vSphere. He is passionate about cloud computing, cybersecurity, and learning new cloud-native technologies who strives to provide the best cloud experience to clients through transparency.



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