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Data Preparation and Manipulation Using AWS Glue

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AWS Glue is a robust, cost-effective ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) service used to clean, enhance, categorize, and securely move data between data streams and repositories. AWS Glue acts as a metadata storage center called AWS Glue Data Catalog, a flexible scheduler for dependency resolution, data loading, and task monitoring, and an ETL engine for automatic Python or Scala code generation. Because AWS Glue is serverless, there is no infrastructure to set up or manage.

What is AWS Glue?

AWS Glue is a cloud service that prepares data for analysis. AWS Glue is a fully managed ETL service. With the help of this service, you may categorize, clean, enrich, and transport your data between data repositories quickly and reliably. It provides organizations with a data integration tool that formats information from different data sources and organizes it in a central repository where it can be used to inform business decisions.

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How does AWS Glue work?

AWS Glue service can automatically find enterprise structured or unstructured data when it is stored in data lakes in S3, data warehouses in Amazon Redshift, and other databases that are part of the Amazon Relational Database Service. Additionally supported by AWS Glue are databases that are hosted on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud, including MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

AWS Glue uses ETL jobs to extract data from a combination of other cloud services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and incorporate it into data lakes and data warehouses. It assists users in monitoring jobs and transforms the retrieved dataset for integration via an application programming interface (API).


Benefits of AWS Glue

  1. Less hassle: There is extensive integration between AWS Glue and other AWS services.
  2. Cost-effective: AWS Glue is serverless. There is not any infrastructure to manage or provision. The service does not force you to commit to long-term subscription plans. Instead, you can minimize your usage costs by only paying when you need it.
  3. More power: A major portion of the work involved in creating, managing, and running ETL jobs is automated via AWS Glue.
  4. Automatic code generation: The ETL process automatically generates code, and the only input necessary is a location/path for the data to be stored. Python or Scala is used to write the program.
  5. Job scheduling: AWS Glue provides easy-to-use tools to create and monitor jobs based on a schedule and event triggers, or perhaps on demand.
  6. Increased data visibility: By acting as a metadata repository for information about your data sources and repositories, AWS Glue Data Catalog helps you keep track of all your data assets.
  7. Developer endpoints: Developers can use them to debug Glue as well as create custom readers, writers, and transforms that can then be imported into custom libraries.


AWS Glue provides easy-to-use tools and can help categorize, sort, validate, enhance, and move data stored in warehouses and data lakes. You can work with semi-structured or grouped data using AWS Glue. AWS Glue ensures high efficiency and performance by seamlessly integrating with other platforms for easy and fast data analysis at a low cost. AWS Glue can work efficiently with semi-structured and streaming data. It is compatible with other Amazon services, can combine data from different sources, provides centralized storage, and prepares your data for the next stage of data analysis and reporting.

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1. Which analytics services make use of the AWS Glue Data Catalog?

ANS: – The metadata stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog can be readily accessed from Glue ETL, Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and third-party services.

2. Are there tools available to manage user authorization in the AWS Glue Schema Registry?

ANS: – Yes, The AWS Glue Schema Registry supports resource-level permissions and identity-based IAM policies.

3. What are the main components of AWS Glue?

ANS: – AWS Glue consists of a data catalog, which is a central metadata repository; an ETL engine that can automatically generate Scala or Python code; a flexible scheduler that handles dependency resolution, task monitoring, and retries; AWS Glue DataBrew for cleaning and normalizing data with a visual interface. Together, these automate much of the undifferentiated hard work of discovering, categorizing, cleaning, enriching, and moving data, so you can spend more time analyzing data.

4. Which analytics services use the AWS Glue Data Catalog?

ANS: – Metadata stored in the AWS Glue Data Catalog can be easily accessed from Glue ETL, Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and third-party services.

WRITTEN BY Modi Shubham Rajeshbhai

Shubham Modi is working as a Research Associate - Data and AI/ML in CloudThat. He is a focused and very enthusiastic person, keen to learn new things in Data Science on the Cloud. He has worked on AWS, Azure, Machine Learning, and many more technologies.



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