AWS, Cloud Computing

4 Mins Read

Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails

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This article talks about configuring subdomain with Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES), to avoid any inconsistency with data.

Inconsistency Observation:

When multiple email addresses are configured in SES active rule, some of the mails/data left undelivered to SES.

Step 1: SES – Verifying the Domain

  1. Login to your AWS account and navigate to the SES service of AWS. Select Verify a New Domain
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  2. Note: We have chosen Northern Virginia (us-east-1) as the AWS region2. Once you have clicked on the Verify a New Domain, you will get a dialog box for configuring your Domain.
    • Configure Domain as
    • Enable the Generate DKIM settings
    • And completed the step by clicking on Verify This Domain
      Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  3. It will give you a list of the record sets to complete the verification process.
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails

Step 2: Route 53 – Creating a record set for completing the domain verification

  1. Go to Route 53 service of AWS. Choose the domain co under Hosted Zones
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  2. Click on Create Record Set and add all the recordset which we received from SES in Step1 point 3.
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  3. Once all the record sets are added in Route 53, you will able to see Domain as verified in SES.
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails

Note: It may take some time to verify

Step 3: S3 – Creating a bucket for storing all the received mails

  1. Go to the S3 service of AWS. Create a bucket with name in the US-East-1 region
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  2. Add bucket policy in S3 to allow SES to put objects in the bucket

Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails

Step 4: SES – Creating a rule set in SES to process the mails

  1. Go to the SES service of AWS. Click on the Rule Sets section of SES
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  2. Click on create a rule set with name data-sync-project.
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  3. Once the rule-set has been created, click on the rule set data-sync-project. Select Create Rule.
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  4. Add Recipient as and click on Add Recipient and then click on Next Step
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  5. Add actions as an S3 bucket, which created in the previous step. And add object or path of the bucket where data need to be stored and then click on Next Step
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  6. Provide a rule name as company.misdata and click on Next Step
    Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails
  7. Review the details and create the rule.
  8. And make the Rule-Set data-sync-project as active

Step 5: S3 – Received mails in S3

As soon as you make Rule-set as active you will start receiving the mails in S3
Configure Sub-Domain in AWS SES to Receive Mails

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WRITTEN BY Sana Pathan

Sana Pathan is working at CloudThat as Cloud Solutions Architect. She is AWS certified DevOps Professional and Microsoft Azure Solutions Expert. She has experience delivering solutions for customers from various industry domains. Sana has supported many customers with Cloud migration and cloud security, followed by Managed Services Support and an attempt to provide the best cloud experience to our customers through transparent communication, the best approach, and diligence.



  1. Naved Khan

    Apr 18, 2021


    Very Informative and Useful Article…Keep it up Sana!👍

  2. Umesh Thakor

    Nov 2, 2020


    Do we also have to varify the email addresses after verifying the Domain?

  3. Anjali Jadav

    Oct 30, 2020


    Good work. Please share blog for sending mails.

    • Sana Pathan

      Oct 31, 2020


      Thanks, sure we will do that soon.

  4. Vian

    Oct 30, 2020


    Nice Work Sana .🙂

    • Sana Pathan

      Oct 30, 2020



  5. Viral Patel

    Oct 30, 2020


    Can we use GoDaddy instead of Route53?

    • Sana Pathan

      Oct 31, 2020


      Yes, GoDaddy can be used, just make sure all the recordset are added properly.

  6. Soha Khan

    Oct 30, 2020


    Very useful blog, keep it up!!

  7. Khushboo

    Oct 30, 2020


    Nice blog Sana!😊

  8. Farhaz Saiyed

    Oct 30, 2020


    Very useful & informative

  9. Vivek

    Oct 30, 2020


    Wow. What a beautifully explain. Nice work Sana☺️👍
    To the point and step by step explanation.

  10. Virendra Chauhan

    Oct 30, 2020


    We have faced this problem with SES, we will try out your solution. Great blog

    • Sana Pathan

      Oct 31, 2020


      Sure. Please let us know.

    Click to Comment

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