AI/ML, AWS, Cloud Computing

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Computer Vision with AWS Panorama for Real-time Deployment and Enhanced Efficiency

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Artificial Intelligence keeps improving, and an exciting new development called “Edge Computing” makes it even more amazing. Edge computing means bringing AI closer to where data is collected, making it faster and smarter. AWS Panorama is like magic – it lets businesses use AI in a lightning-fast and super smart way. Instead of waiting for cloud-based AI, AWS Panorama delivers real-time answers and quick decisions right where needed.

In this blog, we will see how AWS panorama works, what it can do, and how it’s changing industries like manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and more.

Overview of AWS Panorama

AWS Panorama is an innovative service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that empowers organizations to develop and deploy computer vision applications at the edge of their network. With AWS Panorama, businesses can process and analyze visual data in real-time, directly on their edge devices like cameras and sensors, without relying solely on cloud-based infrastructure. This unique approach to AI deployment enhances computer vision applications’ speed, efficiency, and security, making them more scalable and cost-effective.

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The Need for Edge AI

The need for Edge AI arises from the increasing demand for real-time, efficient, and secure data processing in various industries. Traditional AI solutions predominantly rely on cloud-based infrastructure, where data is sent to centralized servers for processing. While cloud-based AI has been transformative, it comes with limitations that may not be suitable for all scenarios.

  • Data Privacy and Security: For industries dealing with sensitive or confidential information, such as healthcare and finance, data privacy and security concerns are paramount. Storing and processing data in the cloud can raise security risks, making edge computing more attractive as data remains localized and reduces exposure to potential breaches.
  • Cost Efficiency: Processing data in the cloud can incur significant costs, especially when dealing with large-scale deployments. Edge AI reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred to the cloud, potentially lowering operational expenses.
  • Latency and Responsiveness: In many industries, such as manufacturing and autonomous vehicles, split-second decision-making is critical. Cloud-based AI solutions often introduce latency due to data transmission to and from the cloud, which can be impractical for applications that require immediate responses.
  • Bandwidth Constraints: Cloud-based AI systems generate massive amounts of data that must be continuously transmitted over the internet. This considerably strains bandwidth, especially in remote or resource-constrained areas, leading to higher costs and potential data bottlenecks.

Working of AWS Panorama


Fig: The above figure illustrates the Computer Vision at the edge with AWS Panorama

Steps to understand how AWS Panorama works

Step 1: Hardware Compatibility

Ensure that your edge devices, such as cameras or sensors, are compatible with AWS Panorama. The platform supports various camera models, including manufacturers like Axis and FLIR Systems.

Step 2: Set Up Edge Devices

Install and configure your edge devices in the environment where you want to capture visual data. These devices will capture images or videos of the surroundings.

Step 3: Data Ingestion

Visual data captured by the edge devices is sent to AWS Panorama for processing. This data includes image files or video streams, depending on the type of edge devices used.

Step 4: AWS Panorama Appliance

AWS Panorama relies on a dedicated hardware device called the “AWS Panorama Appliance.” This appliance has a powerful AI accelerator chip to perform AI inference at the edge.

Step 5: Choose or Develop Machine Learning Models

Select or develop machine learning models suitable for your specific computer vision tasks. These models can be for object detection, facial recognition, or custom visual analytics.

Step 6: Package Models into Containers

Once the machine learning models are trained and optimized, package them into containers compatible with AWS Panorama. These containers are used to deploy the models to the AWS Panorama Appliance.

Step 7: Deploy Models to AWS Panorama Appliance

Deploy the packaged machine learning models to the AWS Panorama Appliance. The appliance acts as the edge AI processing unit, capable of running the inference on the edge devices.

Step 8: Edge AI Inference

The edge devices can perform AI inference locally with the machine learning models deployed on the AWS Panorama Appliance. The models analyze and process the visual data captured by the edge devices without needing to send the data to the cloud.

Step 9: Real-time Analytics

The AI inference carried out at the edge enables real-time visual analytics. Applications powered by AWS Panorama can provide immediate insights and take action based on the analyzed data, enabling faster response times in critical situations.

Step 10: Integration and Customization

AWS Panorama is designed to integrate seamlessly with other AWS services and solutions. Businesses can further customize and extend the capabilities of AWS Panorama to meet their specific requirements and integrate them into their existing workflows.

Use case: Enhancing Quality Control in Manufacturing with AWS Panorama

AWS Panorama is a game-changer in the manufacturing industry by enhancing quality control and inspection processes. Integrating with existing cameras along the production line, AWS Panorama brings AI-powered visual inspection directly to the manufacturing process. The platform enables real-time defect detection by deploying machine learning models to the AWS Panorama Appliance, analyzing captured images for anomalies, cracks, misalignments, and other irregularities. Swift alerts and notifications are triggered when defects are detected, allowing immediate action by operators to address the issues, thus preventing faulty products from reaching the market. The real-time inspection and AI-powered accuracy of AWS Panorama improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall product quality, making it an invaluable asset for manufacturers seeking to optimize their quality control processes.


AWS Panorama is an advanced technology that helps businesses and industries use AI and IoT more effectively. It allows them to make smart decisions quickly using real-time data, improving their work and leading to more success in our increasingly connected and intelligent world.

AWS Panorama puts the power of AI right where it’s needed, making things work better, faster, and smarter. This sets the stage for an exciting future where AI is everywhere, changing how we use data and interact with the world.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding AWS Panorama and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. How is AWS Panorama priced?

ANS: – AWS Panorama’s pricing typically involves factors such as the number of edge devices you use, the processing power required, and the amount of data processed. AWS may offer different pricing tiers based on usage and requirements.

2. What industries can benefit from AWS Panorama?

ANS: – AWS Panorama can benefit various industries, including manufacturing, retail, transportation, healthcare, and security. It can be used for quality control, safety monitoring, inventory management, customer analytics, and more.

WRITTEN BY Chamarthi Lavanya

Lavanya Chamarthi is working as a Research Associate at CloudThat. She is a part of the Kubernetes vertical, and she is interested in researching and learning new technologies in Cloud and DevOps.



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