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This lab aims to help you create users and assign them various permissions to access data center objects.
- Knowledge of Users, Groups, Roles, and Permissions
- Basic understanding of vCenter Datastore Object and their Administration
- Access of vCenter through vSphere Web Client
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Lab Overview
After completing this lab, you can add users and assign various permissions and roles to create and modify objects. You will be able:
- To grant “cloudthat-admin” users to root-level global permissions
- To create “ctdemo-users1″ and assign READ ONLY permission to him so he can’t delete Data Centres.
Step-by-Step Lab Guide
- Open vCenter using vSphere Client. Open vCenter Inventory and review your Hosts and Datacenter.
- Click on Inventory and Go to Administration and Click on Users and Groups.
- Create “cloudthat-admin,” User under “vclass.local” domain and click ADD.
- Under Users and Groups, Verify that the “cloudthat-admin” user is created successfully.
- To assign root-level global permission to cloudthat-admin User, click on vCenter (sa-vcsa.vclass.local), go to the Permissions tab, and click ADD.
- Select domain name vclass.local , User = cloudthat-admin, and Role = Administrator. Make sure to have global scope for underlying child objects of the inventory.
- Ensure assignment of the Administrator Role to “cloudthat-admin,” User within your vCenter.
- Logout from the current User and log in to the vCenter using the “cloudthat-admin” user account.
- Now, as an Administrator–cloudthat-admin User, you can create Data Centre – cloudthat-UK under the vCenter.
- Follow the Steps 2 to 8 to add ctdemo-users1 and change the permission to READ ONLY.
- Cross verify ctdemo-user1 is created and assigned READ ONLY role by the administrator.
- Logout from the current User and log in to vCenter using the ctdemo-user1user account and try to delete CloudThat-UK data center. You will find that the Delete option is disabled for ctdemo-user1. (Delete option is Grayed-out.)
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WRITTEN BY Rahulkumar Shrimali
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