Azure, Cloud Computing

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Seamless Azure Resource Mobility with Azure Resource Mover

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In the dynamic world of cloud computing, flexibility and adaptability are key. Azure Resource Mover is a powerful tool provided by Microsoft Azure that empowers organizations to move their resources effortlessly across various Azure regions, resource groups, and even subscriptions. This blog post will guide you through the intricate process of using Azure Resource Mover, outlining its types of movement, detailing the steps involved, and shedding light on the services that are not eligible for migration. Additionally, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing this resource-moving solution.

Types of Movement

Azure Resource Mover caters to diverse migration scenarios, offering three primary types of movement:

  • Resource Group to Resource Group: This movement involves transferring resources from one Azure resource group to another within the same subscription. It’s a useful option when you want to reorganize your resources for better management or compliance.
  • Region to Region: For scenarios where you need to address performance concerns, comply with data residency requirements, or enhance disaster recovery capabilities, Azure Resource Mover allows you to migrate resources seamlessly from one Azure region to another while keeping the same resource group and subscription.
  • Subscription to Subscription Movements: Azure Resource Mover facilitates the movement of resources across Azure subscriptions for more comprehensive scenarios such as organizational restructuring or mergers. This ensures a smooth transition without disrupting ongoing operations.

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Steps to Use Azure Resource Mover

Step 1: Access Azure Portal

Begin by logging into the Azure portal with appropriate credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Azure Resource Mover

In the Azure portal, locate and select the “Resource Mover” service.


Select Move across resource group.

Select the Source and Destination resource group and click next.


In the resource to move page, select the Add resources.


Pick the resources you want to move from the source to the destination.


Review and Validate.


Azure Resource Mover provides a validation step to ensure the selected resources can be moved without issues. Address any identified concerns before proceeding.

After validation is succeeded, click on next.


Step 3: Initiate Move

Once the validation is successful, initiate the move process. Azure Resource Mover will orchestrate the relocation of selected resources.


Step 4: Monitor the Move

Track the progress of the resource movement through the Azure portal. Detailed logs and status updates are available to ensure transparency.


Services Excluded from Resource Movement

While Azure Resource Mover is versatile, some services cannot be moved due to technical constraints or dependencies. These include:

Classic Resources:

Resources created under the classic deployment model are not eligible for movement.

Resources in Disallowed Regions:

Some Azure regions may not support specific resource types or have restrictions. Resources in such regions may not be moved.

Virtual Networks with Active Connections:

Virtual networks with active connections, such as VPN gateways or ExpressRoute circuits, may face limitations in movement.

Marketplace and User-Defined Images:

Certain images sourced from the Azure Marketplace or user-defined images may not be moved seamlessly.

A few services that are disallowed in Azure are:

Azure Active Directory, Azure App Configuration, Azure Application Insights, Azure Automation, Azure Backup, Azure Bastion, Azure Cache for Redis, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure Container Registry, Azure Data Explorer, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake Analytics, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1, Azure DevOps, Azure DevTest Labs, Azure Databricks, Azure Digital Twins, Azure DNS, Azure Event Grid, Azure Event Hubs, Azure ExpressRoute, Azure Firewall, Azure Front Door, Azure Functions, Azure HDInsight, Azure IoT Central, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Key Vault, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Logic Apps, Azure Machine Learning, Azure Maps, Azure Media Services, Azure Monitor, Azure NetApp Files, Azure Notification Hubs, Azure Policy, Azure Private Link, Azure Recovery Services vault, Azure Relay, Azure Resource Graph, Azure Sentinel, Azure Service Bus, Azure Service Fabric, Azure SignalR Service, Azure Site Recovery, Azure Spring Cloud, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Time Series Insights, Azure Traffic Manager, Azure VPN Gateway and Azure Web Apps.

Advantages of Azure Resource Mover

  • Minimized Downtime: Resource movement with Azure Resource Mover is designed to minimize downtime, ensuring businesses can operate seamlessly during migration.
  • Simplified Resource Management: The tool offers a centralized interface for managing resource movement, simplifying what could be a complex process into a few intuitive steps.
  • Reduced Costs: Businesses can optimize costs by strategically relocating resources to regions with more favorable pricing or to meet compliance requirements.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Azure Resource Mover supports various resource types, allowing businesses to scale their infrastructure as needed.


Azure Resource Mover emerges as a valuable tool in the arsenal of cloud management, providing businesses with the means to optimize their infrastructure dynamically. By following the outlined steps and considering both advantages and disadvantages, organizations can harness the full potential of Azure Resource Mover to achieve a more agile, scalable, and cost-effective cloud environment.

As technology advances, tools like Azure Resource Mover play a crucial role in ensuring that businesses can adapt to changing demands while maximizing the benefits of cloud computing.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Azure Resource Mover and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. What are the prerequisites for using Azure Resource Mover?

ANS: – To use Azure Resource Mover, you need appropriate permissions in your Azure subscription. Additionally, ensure that the resources you want to move meet the tool’s compatibility requirements.

2. What happens during the validation step in Azure Resource Mover?

ANS: – The validation step ensures that the selected resources can be moved easily. It checks for dependencies, prerequisites, and potential conflicts. If any concerns are identified, they need to be addressed before initiating the move.

WRITTEN BY H S Yashas Gowda

Yashas Gowda works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. He has good hands-on experience working on Azure and AWS services. He is interested to learn new technologies and tries to implement them.



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