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Streamline and Simplify: Centralize Your AWS Notifications with Ease

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The transition from fragmented notifications spread across various services to a unified dashboard empowers you to effortlessly personalize, monitor, and swiftly address alerts. AWS notifications refer to the system of alerts and notifications provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to inform users about various events and activities within their AWS environment. These notifications can include alerts about service disruptions, resource usage thresholds, security incidents, and more.

AWS Notifications

AWS User Notifications provides a centralized and user-friendly approach to configuring and monitoring notifications from various AWS services.
You can conveniently set up and monitor notifications from a wide range of AWS services, including events related to AWS Health, alarms from Amazon CloudWatch, state changes of Amazon EC2 Instances, events from the AWS Health Dashboard, updates on AWS Support cases, and events associated with Amazon S3 objects.

These notifications are presented in a consistent format that is easy for humans to comprehend. Additionally, you can choose the delivery channels for these notifications, such as email, chat, and push notifications to the AWS console mobile app, or you can access them through the bell icon in the AWS Management Console.


To access all your configured notifications in the Notification Center, select “See all notifications.” In the Notification Center, you could filter notifications based on the associated services. You can also view detailed notifications that provide human-readable messages and conveniently access deep links that directly take you to the relevant console resource pages.

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Step-by-Step Guide

Configure Notifications

To start receiving your notifications, you need to configure your notification settings. If you’re new to the service, you will be guided to set up at least one notification hub as a prerequisite.

Notification hubs represent the regions where your notifications are stored, processed, or replicated. It is mandatory to choose at least one notification hub before you can create notification configurations. Additionally, you can modify notification hubs by accessing the “Notification Hubs” section in the navigation pane.

Currently, it’s limited to three Regions.


Afterward, navigate to “Notification Configurations” and select “Create notification configuration” to define the events that trigger notifications. In this step, you can choose the relevant services and establish event rules for which you wish to receive notifications. Additionally, you can configure the frequency of notifications for these events in your preferred communication channels.


Proceed by providing a name and description for your configuration. Here’s an example illustrating how to set up notifications for all Amazon EC2 instance state changes.


Within the Event rules section, utilize the Pattern builder to establish one or multiple event rules that determine the events triggering notifications. Specify your AWS service name as the event source, designate the type of events as the matching pattern source, and indicate the regions from which the events will originate.


You can choose from a wide range of Amazon Event Bridge events, such as CloudWatch alarm state changes, and configure them to trigger notifications. Currently, over 100 AWS services emit events to Amazon Event Bridge.

If desired, you can utilize the Advanced filter feature to customize the event rules even further using a JSON format and Event Bridge event patterns. For instance, you can create a rule that specifically generates notifications for EC2 instances with the “production” tag.

Additionally, you can specify the frequency at which you wish to receive notifications. You can choose between two settings: “Receive fewer notifications” to limit the number of daily notifications you receive or “Reduce notification delivery time” to prioritize and promptly receive high-priority notifications.


Configure the delivery channels to determine where you want the notifications sent. You can specify specific email addresses or utilize AWS Chatbot to receive notifications in chat clients like Slack and Amazon Chime. Additionally, you can enable push notifications through the AWS Console Mobile Application as one of the available delivery channels.

After reviewing and confirming your configuration details, select “Create notification configuration” to proceed. If you wish to receive notifications from multiple accounts, please refer to the instructions provided in the Amazon Event Bridge User Guide regarding the sending and receiving Amazon Event Bridge events between AWS accounts. Once you have successfully set up a receiver account, you can create a notification configuration that responds to events.

Latest Updates

AWS User Notifications are now available in the following Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), Europe (Paris), Europe (Stockholm), and South America (São Paulo). You can start utilizing this feature today.


Setting up AWS notifications in one centralized location offers numerous benefits for businesses. By consolidating notifications, businesses can streamline their monitoring processes and gain better visibility into their AWS resources and services. This centralized approach allows for quicker response times to critical events, minimizing downtime and potential disruptions to business operations. Moreover, it promotes efficient resource allocation, as businesses can easily identify and address underutilized services, resulting in cost savings. With a single platform for AWS notifications, businesses can enhance their overall cloud management and optimize their AWS environment for improved performance, cost-effectiveness, and operational efficiency.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding AWS Notification, we will get back to you quickly.

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1. How can I enable user notifications in AWS?

ANS: – User notifications can be enabled by configuring the desired AWS service to send notifications to specific users or user groups. This is typically done through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, or APIs.

2. What types of notifications can I receive in AWS?

ANS: – AWS supports a wide range of notifications, including alerts for system events, service health updates, billing and cost reports, security notifications, and custom application-specific notifications.

3. How can I manage and control the notifications I receive in AWS?

ANS: – AWS provides various tools and services to manage and control notifications. You can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to configure permissions for receiving notifications, set up filters and rules to control your notifications and use AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS) to centralize and manage notifications across multiple services.

WRITTEN BY Sana Pathan

Sana Pathan is working at CloudThat as Cloud Solutions Architect. She is AWS certified DevOps Professional and Microsoft Azure Solutions Expert. She has experience delivering solutions for customers from various industry domains. Sana has supported many customers with Cloud migration and cloud security, followed by Managed Services Support and an attempt to provide the best cloud experience to our customers through transparent communication, the best approach, and diligence.



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