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Simplified Joomla Deployment Leveraging Amazon RDS for Effortless Setup

Voiced by Amazon Polly


In today’s digital world, Joomla is still a flexible and easy-to-use content management system that helps people and businesses easily make websites. It comes with many different designs, extra tools, and add-ons you can change, letting you create all sorts of websites. It’s simple to use, you can drag things around, and it works well on phones and tablets. Joomla is a reliable choice to make websites that can do many different things. 

Joomla is a tool that many people use to make websites, and Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) is a tool that helps manage databases on the Cloud. In this blog, we will see how to set up Amazon RDS specifically for Joomla. After that, we will see how to make Joomla and the database work together smoothly.


Joomla is an open-source software platform that helps people create online applications. It’s like a tool that lets you build and manage a website without writing much code. It offers a user-friendly interface where you can easily create and customize websites for various purposes, such as blogs, E-Commerce stores, corporate websites, community portals, and more for businesses or organizations.

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Steps to Create an Amazon EC2 Instance

Step 1 – Select the AMI as the Ubuntu Server of version 22.04


Step 2 – Select the t2.micro instance type, and we have created a key-pair called ‘Joomla’. You can also select the default key-pair.


Step 3 – Configure security groups by adding the source type to the Amazon EC2 security group.


Steps to SSH into the Amazon EC2 Instance

Open the Command line interface and use these commands for SSH:


Creating an Amazon RDS Database for Joomla

Step 1 To begin, we need to log in to the AWS console, select Amazon RDS service, click on Create Database, and select MySQL as a Database.


Step 2 – We selected the free tier based on our use case in the template section.


Step 3 – In the Settings section, fill in “Joomla” as the value for the “DB instance identification” field. Enter the username and password for the database.


Step 4 – In this step, we will set up Amazon RDS for MySQL. Choose “Joomla” as the name for your database. Then click on “Create database”.


Step 5 – Database is created Successfully.


Steps to Configure Joomla on Amazon EC2

After SSH, run the following commands.

You must install Apache and PHP programs to set up the necessary environment.

Step 1 – You can do this by running the command below

Step 2 – Install Apache by running the command below

This command will install Joomla’s dependencies, so when you enter your instance’s IP address in a web browser, you can view the Apache2 test page.


Step 3 – To Install the PHP, use the following commands to complete the installation

Step 4 –  Install MySQL

To install MySQL, run the following command


Login to MySQL command line interface using the commands below:


Step 5 – Download and install the Joomla Application

To get Joomla, visit the Joomla downloads page. Choose the newest version, which is Joomla 4.2.3. In this guide, we’ll choose the .zip format.  Then click on the “Download” button.

As the download will be a zip archive, you must install the unzip tool to extract its contents. Below are the commands

Afterwards, navigate to the ‘/tmp’ directory and proceed to download the Joomla

Once downloaded, Joomla will be stored as an archive file named ‘’.
You have to unzip this file. After that copy it to the root of your website. Create a directory at the root of your website, and you can choose any name you prefer for this directory. For example, you can use ‘Joomla’ as the name for this directory.

For required file permissions use the below commands:

Steps for Joomla Installation via the Web Browser

Open your web browser and type in your web server’s IP address followed by “/joomla.”

In our example, we used the following address in the browser: “”

You’ll see the Joomla website setup screen. Pick the language you want, then click the “Next” button.

Enter the name of the Joomla site: mysite


Click on “Setup Login Data” to proceed to the next step. In this step, you must provide information to create your admin account, including your name, username, email address, and password.


Enter the Database information required to connect to the Joomla database and then click on Install Joomla.



The Joomla installation was finished successfully.



Integrating Amazon RDS with Joomla simplifies website deployment and guarantees excellent performance. With Amazon RDS managing the database setup, you can concentrate on crafting compelling web content and enhancing user experiences without dealing with technical complexities. The outcome is a seamless and dependable Joomla website setup that elevates your web development process.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Amazon RDS with Joomla and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. Can I use my existing Joomla website with Amazon RDS?

ANS: – Yes, you can migrate your Joomla website to Amazon RDS without difficulties. Amazon offers tools and guides to make the process of moving your database seamlessly.

2. Does using Amazon RDS with Joomla affect the overall cost of deployment?

ANS: – While Amazon RDS offers various pricing options, it can be cost-effective in the long run. The pay-as-you-go model allows you to scale resources as needed, optimizing costs based on your website’s traffic and demands.

WRITTEN BY Chamarthi Lavanya

Lavanya Chamarthi is working as a Research Associate at CloudThat. She is a part of the Kubernetes vertical, and she is interested in researching and learning new technologies in Cloud and DevOps.



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