AI, Copilot, GitHub

4 Mins Read

The Truth About Coding Superpowers: GitHub Copilot and Vs. Code

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In the ever-evolving world of software development, tools that enhance productivity and creativity are like gold dust.

GitHub Copilot, a groundbreaking AI-powered coding assistant developed by GitHub in collaboration with Open AI, has taken the developer community by storm. It is the best coding companion, helping you write code faster, smarter, and more creatively.

If you are a developer, this blog will be your piece of cake.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the seamless integration of GitHub Copilot with my favorite editor Visual Studio Code.

Join us as we explore how this integration can revolutionize your coding experience, making you more efficient and empowering you to bring your boldest ideas to life.

In an era where technology’s pace of innovation seems boundless, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game changer in easing different work areas, from enhancing everyday experiences to driving monumental shifts in industries. One such AI tool to help developers is GitHub Copilot. It makes developer life easy as it works like a search engine that learns a billion code lines and gives you the best fit for your need.

Copilot provides intelligent code suggestions and autocompletion as you type. That, too, suggests relevant to your need.

It also helps developers by

  • Providing entire code blocks, functions, or classes
  • supports multiple programming languages and frameworks that allow you to work on various projects.
  • Suggesting fixes and solutions for common coding errors, helping you troubleshoot issues more efficiently.
  • Helps you write code that aligns with code reviews and best practices by suggesting improvements and optimizations.
  • Assist in quickly prototyping new ideas, allowing you to explore different concepts and approaches.
  • Writing test cases for your project, etc.

GitHub Copilot Pricing

GitHub Copilot Price is offered at 10 USD/ month. However, you can avail 30days free trial, which can be utilized in the initial learning phase.

I can provide a general step-by-step guide to set up GitHub Copilot with Visual Studio Code (VS Code). I will also be attaching screenshots to reference each step.

Prerequisite :

Visual Studio Code (VS Code): If you haven’t already, then download and install Visual Studio Code from the official website:

GitHub Account: You must use a GitHub account to use Copilot. If you don’t have one, you must create an account using the GitHub website:

  1. Sign Into your GitHub account from the link
  2. Now let’s try to Sign up with GitHub Copilot. Navigate to and click Get access to GitHub Copilot.   Fill in the Billing details to set up the payment.
  3. Don’t worry. GitHub Copilot has a free trial of 30 days. After which, you will be charged 10 USD/month. Yaay!! we have successfully set the GitHub Copilot to one side. Let’s try to integrate it with our preferred IDE Visual Studio code. Once the Visual Studio Code is ready, Open VSCode and navigate to the Extensions.
  4. View by clicking the square icon on the sidebar or pressing Ctrl+Shift+X. Search for “GitHub Copilot” in the Extensions marketplace and install it.
    (Note: Once installed, restart VSCode to get started using GitHub Copilot)


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  1. Once Installed, the VSCode will prompt you to sign in to the Git Hub account. Check the accounts icon towards the window’s lower left to see it.
  2. This task will open a new tab in the browser where you must sign in. HURRAY!!! It is now set up. Let’s now check if it’s working!!
  3. On the VSCode page, get into your preferred project folder, create a new file, and name it as you wish. I have used index.html.Let me ask Copilot to give me the HTML code.So, I go by typing <!DOCTYPE html>, then press ENTER key.If you want that component, it will automatically suggest the HTML structure individually in a graded-out fashion. Press the tab key to accept that suggestion and press ENTER to move to the next line. Copilot will prompt you next set of lines of code.


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1. Can you use GitHub Copilot in VS Code?

ANS: – Yes, Github Copilot supports numerous languages and frameworks. It supports Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Go, C#, and C++.

2. Is GitHub Copilot still free?

ANS: – Github Copilot is priced at 10 USD / monthly and billed monthly. However, it offers a free trial version for 30 days.

3. Is GitHub Copilot a chatbot?

ANS: – GitHub Copilot is not a traditional chatbot. It is an AI-powered code completion tool developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. Copilot helps developers write code efficiently by providing context-aware code suggestions, autocompletion, and even generating entire code snippets based on the context and comments in the code.


Shyla is an MCT and works on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. She is certified as an Azure Administrator and works on DevOps tools like Ansible, and Terraform, to create and deploy highly available infrastructure on AWS and Azure.



  1. Prashant Khosre

    Aug 29, 2023


    Excellent Shyla. It’s very informative.

  2. Click to Comment

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