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Provisioning EKS Cluster with AWS Cloud9 IDE

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Introduction to Cloud9 Workspace

AWS Cloud9 is an integrated development environment IDE. A developer can use it to manage code via browser and collaborate with other developers and it solves many problems when developing with the cloud. It includes a code editor, debugger, and terminal. It supports various programming languages including JavaScript, python, PHP, GO, Ruby, and many more This technology provides a smooth experience for making serverless apps that even new code-writers can insert resources, debug and switch between remote and local execution with cloud9 you are no longer tied to a single development machine and can access your development environment from any internet-connected computer.

Features & Benefits of Cloud9

Some of the key features of the Cloud9 environment:

  • AWS Cloud9 has Integrated tools for serverless development feature that allows you to easily build serverless applications by providing an integrated experience to write, and debug serverless application code.
  • The Cloud9 development environment is pre-packaged with SDKs, tools, and libraries needed for serverless application development.
  • It has a built-in terminal where a pre-authenticated AWS Command Line Interface is installed this allows you to easily control and interact with AWS services directly from the command line.
  • This technology has a continuous delivery toolchain where it integrates with AWS codestar, allowing you to quickly set up an end-to-end continuous delivery toolchain for your application and start releasing code faster on AWS.
  • It has the feature of collaborative editing and chat allowing you to use the built-in chat capability to communicate with your team without leaving the IDE.
  • Cloud9 also has a built-in image editor which supports the ability to edit images, enabling you to resize, crop, rotate, or flip the image straight from the browser.

Some of the Benefits of the Cloud9 environment:

  • The main benefits of AWS Cloud9 is it’s a cloud-based platform, that allows online collaboration for building the code, and compatibility with many programming languages.
  • This technology has a built-in code editor and an integrated debugger which all have rich, time-saving solutions to development such as code completion, code hinting, and step-through debugging.
  • AWS Cloud9’s collaboration features allow teams to work and code together online and in real-time.
  • This technology pre-configures the user’s development environment with all the essential libraries, plug-ins, and SDKs it needs for serverless development.
  • This also provides an environment for debugging the AWS Lambda functions and local testing.
  • Moreover, AWS Cloud9 IDE has a terminal with Sudo privileges connected to the managed Amazon EC2 instance that hosts the whole development environment.

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  • AWS account
  • AWS IAM permissions for required Services

Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a Cloud9 Workspace

Step 1: Sign into the AWS console and search for cloud9 in the search bar and select the service.

Step 2: Click on create environment.

Step 3: Give the workspace information as follows

  • Choose a region
  • Give a suitable name to the cloud9 environment
  • Select the environment type as a new ec2 instance
  • Select instance type as t3.small
  • Select the network connection as AWS system manager
  • Then click on create


Step 4: Creating an IAM role for the workspace

  • In the AWS console search for IAM in the search bar and select the service
  • In that select roles and click on create role
  • Select trusted entity as AWS service
  • Select use cases as ec2 and click on next
  • In permission policies choose administrator access and then click on next
  • Give a suitable name for the role and click on create role
  • Then role will be created.


Step 5: Attaching the IAM role to the workspace

  • Click the grey circle button (in the top right corner) and select Manage EC2 Instance
  • Select the instance, then choose Actions / Security / Modify IAM Role
  • Choose workspace-admin from the IAM Role drop-down and select Save.




Steps to Deploy EKS Cluster on Cloud9 Workspace

Step 1: Create an eksctl deployment file (workspace.yaml) use in creating your cluster using the following syntax



Step 2: To check if the nodes are running in the cluster we can use the below command


Step 3: Now we can see the nodes in AWS Console.



With AWS Cloud9 you can create run, and debug code in a serverless environment and support multi-languages and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). AWS Cloud9’s native support for real-time collaboration, group chat, and source control enables you to do things such as easy switching between computers and more quickly onboard developers to your team.

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About CloudThat

CloudThat is also the official AWS (Amazon Web Services) Advanced Consulting Partner and Training partner and Microsoft gold partner, helping people develop knowledge of the cloud and help their businesses aim for higher goals using best in industry cloud computing practices and expertise. We are on a mission to build a robust cloud computing ecosystem by disseminating knowledge on technological intricacies within the cloud space. Our blogs, webinars, case studies, and white papers enable all the stakeholders in the cloud computing sphere.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding AWS Cloud9 and I will get back to you quickly.

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1. What is the pricing for AWS Cloud9?

ANS: – There is no additional charge for AWS Cloud9. If you use an Amazon EC2 instance for your AWS Cloud9 development environment, you pay only for the compute and storage resources.

2. Which AWS Regions does AWS Cloud9 support?

ANS: – It supports almost 17 regions see for details.

WRITTEN BY Chamarthi Lavanya

Lavanya Chamarthi is working as a Research Associate at CloudThat. She is a part of the Kubernetes vertical, and she is interested in researching and learning new technologies in Cloud and DevOps.



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