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A Guide to Implement ProxySQL with Amazon RDS as a Backend

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In today’s dynamic and scalable environments, a robust database proxy solution is becoming increasingly important. ProxySQL, a powerful open-source SQL-aware proxy, enables efficient database management and high availability. This blog post will guide you through implementing ProxySQL with Amazon RDS as the backend database, ensuring optimized performance and seamless database operations.

Understanding ProxySQL and its Benefits

ProxySQL is a high-performance, SQL-aware proxy between the application and the database. It acts as an intermediary, providing load balancing, query routing, caching, and failover features.

By implementing ProxySQL with RDS as the backend, you can achieve several benefits, including:

  1. Load Balancing: ProxySQL distributes the database load across multiple backend nodes, ensuring optimal utilization of resources and improved performance.
  2. Query Routing: ProxySQL intelligently routes queries based on predefined rules, allowing you to direct read and write queries to specific replicas or partitions.
  3. Connection Pooling: ProxySQL efficiently manages connections to the backend database, reducing overhead and enhancing scalability.
  4. High Availability: ProxySQL monitors the health of backend nodes and automatically redirects traffic to available nodes in case of failures, improving system uptime.
  5. Query Caching: ProxySQL can cache frequently executed queries, reducing the load on the backend database and improving response times.

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Before we proceed with the implementation, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • An AWS account with access to Amazon RDS.
  • An RDS instance is running MySQL or MariaDB.
  • A separate server or Amazon EC2 instance is used to install and configure ProxySQL.

Steps to Set up ProxySQL

To install ProxySQL, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to your server or EC2 instance.

Step 2: Add the ProxySQL repository to your package manager:

Step 3: Install ProxySQL:

Configuring ProxySQL:

Once ProxySQL is installed, follow these steps to configure it:

Step 1: Access the ProxySQL administration interface

Step 2: Set Admin password Load them to runtime and save to disk

Step 3: Create a user for monitoring in primary database

Step 4: Configure ProxySQL to monitor backend connections

Step 5: Configure ProxySQL to connect with the backend RDS instance

Note: Replace ‘RDS_ENDPOINT’ with the endpoint of your RDS instance.

Step 6: Configure ProxySQL to route queries to the backend

ProxySQL allows you to route queries based on various conditions, such as SQL patterns, users, or schema. The following query will insert query rules in ProxySQL to direct read queries to specific RDS replicas.

Step 7: Create read only user with read permissions in a primary database for the proxysql server to access the database

Step 8: Configure ProxySQL to handle client connections

Step 9: In RDS Console”Network & Security” section and modify the security group settings to allow inbound traffic from the ProxySQL server. Specify the IP address or security group associated with the ProxySQL server.

Testing and Verifying the Setup

Once ProxySQL and RDS are configured, you can test the setup by connecting a client application to ProxySQL and verifying the query routing and load balancing.

Step 1: Connect to ProxySQL from a MySQL client application using the ProxySQL server’s IP address and the configured username and password. Execute any select queries and validate.

Step 2: Monitor the query routing using the ProxySQLAdmin interface:


In this blog post, we explored the implementation of ProxySQL with Amazon RDS as the backend. We covered the installation and configuration of ProxySQL and the necessary steps to configure Amazon RDS and test the setup. By implementing ProxySQL, you can enhance your database infrastructure’s performance, scalability, and availability.

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1. How does ProxySQL handle failover and high availability?

ANS: – ProxySQL ensures high availability by monitoring the status and health of backend database servers. In a failure, it automatically redirects client connections to a healthy server, minimizing downtime. It can monitor server status and replication lag or use custom scripts for failover.

2. What is the role of ProxySQL in a MySQL/MariaDB setup?

ANS: – ProxySQL acts as a high-performance proxy between client applications and database servers. It improves performance and scalability by load balancing client requests across multiple servers. It also provides query routing, rewriting, connection pooling, and query caching functionalities.

WRITTEN BY Dharshan Kumar K S

Dharshan Kumar is a Research Associate at CloudThat. He has a working knowledge of various cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft, ad GCP. He is interested to learn more about AWS's Well-Architected Framework and writes about them.



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