Cloud security, Microsoft Security

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Microsoft Defenders: All Just Arrived Things You Have to Know

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Microsoft Defender for Cloud

What is it?

Microsoft Defender for Cloud is a feature with security plans for cloud workload/s (Native Azure, Multi-Cloud). All resources under your subscriptions can be protected using respective defender plans.

Where to find it?

  • Goto
  • Search for Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • On the left pane, Management–>Environment settings
  • Select your subscription.
  • Settings–>Defender plans (Default view)

By default, plans are in a “turned off” state. Check pricing information before turning on the plan. Some plans are billed hourly, while others are every month.

Microsoft 365 Defender

What is it?

Microsoft 365 Defender is a defense suite with features to protect Cloud Applications, Endpoints, Office 365 Apps, and Identity.

Where to find it?

Go to >

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Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

What is it?

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a security broker solution for cloud apps. All the apps used by end-users are monitored, and categorization is done as sanctioned & unsanctioned apps. Categorization helps to find the presence of shadow IT which may act as a security breaker point or entry-point for threats.

Where to find it?

  • Goto
  • On the left pane, click Clouds Apps> Cloud discovery

Microsoft Defender for Endpoints

What is it?

Microsoft Defender for Endpoints protects user devices from active threats. It also detects breaches, investigates and responds to incidents. Vulnerability management of endpoints, i.e., end-user devices, is handled by Microsoft Defender for Endpoints.

Where to find it?

  • Go to
  • On the left pane, click Endpoints > Vulnerability management > Dashboard

Microsoft Defender for Office 365

What is it?

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protects Emails & Collaboration Tools like MS Teams, OneDrive, and OneNote from threats (Plan 1 feature). It also detects breaches and investigates and responds to incidents (Plan 2 features).

Where to find it?

  • Goto
  • On the left pane, click Email & Collaboration > Explorer.

Microsoft Defender for Identity

What is it?

Microsoft Defender for Identity protects on-premises identities from threats. The base principles for its working are always assumed breach, verified explicitly, and provided the least privilege.

Where to find it?

  • Goto
  • On the left pane, click Settings (at the bottom, last but three)>identities

Few more Defenders:

  • Defender for Business is available as a standalone subscription and is included in Microsoft 365 Business Premium [1].
  • Defender Vulnerability Management rapidly and continuously prioritizes the most significant vulnerabilities on your most critical assets and provides security recommendations to mitigate risk [2].
  • Defender for IoT provides agentless network-layer monitoring and integrates with industrial equipment and security operation center (SOC) tools [3].
  • Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence (Defender TI) is a platform that streamlines triage, incident response, threat hunting, vulnerability management, and cyber threat intelligence analyst workflows when conducting threat infrastructure analysis and gathering threat intelligence [4].
  • Microsoft Defender in Windows has the following capabilities [5]:


Microsoft Defender for Cloud:


Microsoft 365 Defender:

Image Source [6]

Microsoft 365 Defender:

Image Source [7]

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About CloudThat

CloudThat, incepted in 2012, is the first Indian organization to offer Cloud training and consultancy for mid-market and enterprise clients. Our business aims to provide global services on Cloud Engineering, Training, and Expert Line. Our expertise in all major cloud platforms, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), VMware, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), positions us as pioneers.

We have a track record of training  650k+ professionals on Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, VMware, Microsoft Security, Microsoft Dynamics, DevOps & Kubernetes.  You can learn more about our Microsoft Security offerings here…

WRITTEN BY Sheetal Thakare



  1. Jagruti

    Jul 6, 2023


    Very Useful!!

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