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Deployment of WordPress on Amazon EKS without utilizing Amazon EFS (Elastic File System)

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WordPress deployment on Amazon EKS without Amazon EFS necessitates new storage and resource management strategies. This review will look at alternative options, Kubernetes-native functionality, and optimization tactics for a scalable and cost-effective deployment on Amazon EKS.


In cloud-native application deployment, orchestrating WordPress on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a strategic choice for organizations seeking flexibility, scalability, and reliability. While Amazon EFS serves as a conventional storage solution for EKS environments, there are instances where alternative methods offer distinct advantages. This introduction sets the stage for exploring optimized deployment strategies for WordPress on Amazon EKS, emphasizing the avoidance of Amazon EFS dependency and adopting innovative storage and resource management approaches.

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Step-by-step Guide

Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes, may be used to deploy WordPress on Amazon EKS without utilizing Amazon EFS. The steps are here:

  1. At first, AWS CLI, EKSCTL, and HELM should be installed and configured on the machine. WordPress Deployment
  2. EKS cluster provisioning:Make a YAML file to configure the cluster. I have named it “my-eks-cluster”.apiVersion: ClusterConfigmetadata:

    name: my-eks-cluster

    region: ap-south-1


    – name: newdev-ng-1

    instanceType: t3.large

    minSize: 1

    maxSize: 1

    desiredCapacity: 1

    volumeSize: 20

    volumeEncrypted: true

    volumeType: gp3


    allow: true

    publicKeyName: eks


    Env: Dev



    – arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy

    – arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy

    – arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ElasticLoadBalancingFullAccess

    3. Create a cluster by running this command.

    WordPress Deployment4. To confirm the provisioning of nodes, run

    WordPress Deployment

    5. Deploy WordPress on EKS:Add helm repo to the environment.

    WordPress Deployment6. Then, install the helm chart for WordPress.

    WordPress Deployment7. After successful deployment, check the pods and see if the status reads “Running”

    WordPress DeploymentWordPress Deployment
    WordPress Deployment

    8. Accessing the WordPress website

    WordPress Deployment

    WordPress Deployment

    WordPress Deployment

    WordPress Deployment

    WordPress Deployment

    9. Clean up

    WordPress Deployment

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1. What role does Kubernetes play in managing WordPress storage on Amazon EKS?

ANS: – Kubernetes supports storage abstraction layers in the form of PersistentVolume (PV) and PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) objects, making it easier to manage storage resources throughout the cluster.

2. Can I still achieve scalability without Amazon EFS?

ANS: – Scalability can be achieved without using Amazon EFS by exploiting Kubernetes-native autoscaling capabilities and optimizing resource utilization.

3. How can I ensure data persistence without Amazon EFS?

ANS: – By setting persistent volumes and volume claims in Kubernetes, you may assure data permanence while using alternate storage options.

4. What are some alternative storage options for WordPress on Amazon EKS?

ANS: – Other options include Amazon EBS, third-party storage systems like Portworx or Rook, HostPath volumes, CSI drivers, and local persistent volumes.

WRITTEN BY Ayush Agarwal

Ayush Agarwal works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. He has excellent analytical thinking and carries an optimistic approach toward his life. He is having sound Knowledge of AWS Cloud Services, Infra setup, Security, WAR, and Migration. He is always keen to learn and adopt new technologies.



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