AWS, Cloud Computing

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A Guide to Setting Up and Managing Users with Admin Access in Amazon Redshift

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a powerful data warehousing solution called Amazon Redshift, intended to manage workloads related to large-scale data analytics effectively. Managing users and their access permissions within Amazon Redshift is paramount for ensuring data security and operational effectiveness. This thorough tutorial will let you create users in Amazon Redshift and give them administrator access. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for user management to help you maintain a secure and well-organized environment.


Data warehouses such as Amazon Redshift have become essential as businesses increasingly depend on data-driven insights to guide their decisions. But, with enormous power comes the obligation to make sure that sensitive data is only accessed by authorized individuals and that their permissions are set correctly. This guide is tailored for administrators and data professionals tasked with managing user accounts in Amazon Redshift.

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Step-by-Step Guide

Step-by-step instructions on creating users in Amazon Redshift, granting them admin access, and implementing best practices for user management.

Step 1: Access the Amazon Redshift Console

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and then log in.
  2. Navigate to the Amazon Redshift service.

Step 2: Create a New User

  1. In the Amazon Redshift console, click on the “Clusters” tab.
  2. Select the cluster for which you want to create a user.


  1. To use the SQL query editor, click the “Query Editor” button on the cluster details page.


Step 3: Connecting Amazon Redshift from admin credentials

  1. In the SQL query editor, click on three dots from your cluster and then create a connection.


  1. Select Database Username and Password and paste your master username and password.



Step 4: Run SQL Commands

  1. To create a new user, enter the following SQL statement in the SQL query editor:

Replace “password” with a secure password for the user and “username” with the desired username.


2. Next, grant the user admin privileges by executing the following SQL command:

Step 5: Test Admin Access

  1. Log out of your current session in the Amazon Redshift console.


2. Log in again using the credentials of the newly created user.

Best Practices for User Management

  • Employ Strong Passwords: Utilize strong, unique passwords for all user accounts to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Conduct Regular Permission Reviews: Review and audit user permissions to ensure appropriate access levels and eliminate unnecessary privileges.
  • Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enhance security by enabling MFA for all user accounts.
  • Adhere to the Principle of Least Privilege: Assign users only the minimal permissions required to perform their duties effectively.
  • Rotate Passwords Regularly: Periodically update passwords for user accounts to reduce the risk of unauthorized access due to compromised credentials.


Maintaining a secure and efficient data warehouse environment in Amazon Redshift necessitates careful user and access management.

By following the guidelines in this tutorial and implementing best practices for user management, you can ensure that your Amazon Redshift cluster remains secure and compliant with your organization’s policies and regulations.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Amazon Redshift and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. Why is it important to create users in Amazon Redshift?

ANS: – Creating users in Amazon Redshift is crucial for managing access control to your data warehouse. It ensures that only authorized individuals can access and interact with sensitive data.

2. What are the benefits of granting admin access to users in Amazon Redshift?

ANS: – Granting admin access to users allows them to perform administrative tasks such as creating and managing databases, users, and permissions. This capability is essential for efficient data management and administration.

3. Can I customize permissions for users in Amazon Redshift?

ANS: – Yes, Amazon Redshift supports role-based access control (RBAC), enabling you to customize permissions and assign specific roles to users based on their responsibilities.

WRITTEN BY Noopur Shrivastava

Noopur Shrivastava works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. She is focused on gaining knowledge of the Cloud environment. Noopur loves learning about new technology and trying out different approaches to problem-solving.



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