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Enhancing Architectural Design and Infrastructure Evaluation with AWS Well-Architected Tool Profiles

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AWS Well-Architected introduces new feature, which is Profiles, which allows customers to work with Well-Architected reviews based on their business goals. This feature help to creates a mechanism for continuously improvement by encouraging customers to review their workloads with certain goals in mind first, and then complete the remaining Well-Architected review questions.

Customers can create profiles by answering predefined questions about their current business goals. After the profile is used for the job, the system provides the customer with a well-designed set of solutions that meet their needs. Customers can also share their profiles with other accounts and AWS Organizations to help them measure business criticality across the organization.

AWS Well-Architected Tool Profile

Profile is basically help you to provide your business context and identify goals you had like to accomplish when performing a Well-Architected review.

AWS Well-Architected Tool uses the details collected from your profile to help you focus on a prioritized number of questions that are helpful into your business during the review. By attaching profile in your workload will helps you to see which risks are more focus for you to handle with your improvement plan.

You can create a profile from the Profiles page and associate it to a new workload, or you can add a profile to an existing workload.

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Steps to Create a Profile

To create a profile

  1. Select Profiles in the left navigation pane and Create profile.


2. Go to the Profile properties section, give a Name and Description for your profile.


3. To upgrade the information prioritized for your business in the workload review and enhancement plan, select the answers that are most applicable to your business in the Profile questions section.



4. In the Tags section, give any tags you want to link with the profile. (Optional)


5. Choose Save – When a profile created, the overview of profile is displayed. The overview shows the data associated with the profile, including the name, description, ARN, created and streamlined dates, and the answers to the profile questions. From the profile overview runner, you can edit, share and delete your profile.

6. Now you can see Profile is successfully created.


7. After profile creation, you can see your priorities question on selected pillar.


Steps to Edit a Profile

To edit a profile

  1. Select Profiles in the left navigation pane or choose View profile from the Profiles section of the workload.
  2. Select the name of the profile you want to update.
  3. Choose Edit on the Profile overview page.


  1. Make any necessary updates to the profile questions.
  2. Choose Save.


Steps to Add Profile to a Workload

You can add a profile to an existing workload, or when you are defining a workload to boost up your workload review process. AWS Well-Architect tool uses the information gathered from your profile to prioritize the questions in your workload review that are applicable to your business.

For adding a profile to your existing workload.

  1. Select Workloads in the left navigation pane and select the name of the workload you want to associate with a profile. Note Only one profile can be associated with a workload.
  2. In the Profile section, choose Add profile.


  1. Select the profile you want to apply to the workload from the list of available profiles, or choose Create profile.
  2. Choose Save. The Workload overview displays a count of prioritized questions answered and prioritized risk of workload which is based on the information in the associated profile. Choose Continue reviewing to address the prioritized questions in the workload review. The Profile section displays the name, description, ARN, version, and last updated date for the profile associated with the workload.


Steps to Remove a Profile from a Workload

Removing a profile from the existing workload will effect our workload, and workload review questions and risks are no longer prioritized.

For removing a profile from your workload

  1. From the Profiles section of the workload, choose Remove.


2. For confirm removal, type the name of your profile in the text input field.


3. Choose Remove. A notification that the profile has been successfully removed from the workload is displayed. Removing a profile reverts the workload to the version prior to when the profile was associated with it, and workload review questions and risks are no longer prioritized.


Steps to Share a Profile

Profiles can be shared with users or accounts, or they can be shared with an entire organization or organizational unit.

To share a profile

  1. Select Profiles in the left navigation pane.
  2. Select the name of the profile you want to share.
  3. Choose the Shares tab.
  4. To share to a user or account, choose Create and select Create shares to IAM users or accounts. In the invitation box, give details about the account IDs or user and choose Create.


5. To share to an organization or organizational unit, choose Create and select Create shares to Organizations. To share to an entire organization, select Grant permissions to the entire Organization. To share with an organizational unit, select Grant permissions to individual Organization Units, specify the organizational unit in the box, and choose Create. Important Before sharing a profile with an organization or organizational unit (OU), you must enable AWS Organizations access.

Steps to Delete a Profile from AWS WA Tool

If you created a profile, you can delete the profile from the profiles section in Well-Architect Review. Deleting a profile from the Profiles page does not remove the profile from any associated workloads. You can continue using profiles that were shared and associated with a workload before deletion, however, no new workloads can be associated with a deleted profile. the section called “Profile notifications” are sent to workload owners using deleted profiles. Disclaimer By sharing your profiles with other AWS accounts, you acknowledge that AWS will make your profiles available to those other accounts. Those other accounts may continue to access and use your shared profiles even if you delete the profile from your own AWS account or terminate your AWS account.

To remove a profile from your list of profiles

  1. Select Profiles in the left navigation pane.
  2. Select the name of the profile you want to remove.
  3. Choose Delete.


4. To confirm removal, enter the profile name in the text input field.

5. Choose Delete.



The introduction of new feature profiles in the well architect review brings significant benefits to the evaluation process of architectural designs and infrastructures. These feature profiles provide a structured framework for assessing various aspects of a system, ensuring that it adheres to industry best practices and aligns with organizational goals.

Each profile focuses on a specific area, such as architecture design, security, performance, reliability, scalability, cost optimization, operational excellence, and compliance. This targeted approach enables a thorough analysis of the system’s strengths and weaknesses in each aspect, allowing for more accurate and actionable recommendations.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding AWS Well-Architected Tool Profiles and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. What are the new feature Profiles in AWS Well Architect review?

ANS: – The new feature Profiles refer to the specific areas or aspects of a system or application that are evaluated in AWS Well Architect review. These profiles focus on key features, such as scalability, security, performance, reliability, cost optimization, operational excellence, and compliance.

2. Why are Profiles important in AWS Well Architect review?

ANS: – Profiles provide a structured framework for assessing and evaluating the different aspects of a system’s architecture and infrastructure. They help cover all critical areas and enable a comprehensive analysis of the system’s design, performance, security, and other important factors.

3. How do Profiles differ from a traditional Architecture review?

ANS: – Profiles enhance the traditional architecture review process by offering a more granular examination of specific areas of interest. They provide a systematic approach to evaluate individual features, allowing for focused analysis and identification of potential issues or areas for improvement.

WRITTEN BY Mohd Monish

Monish is working as a Research Associate at CloudThat. He has a working knowledge of multiple different cloud platforms and is currently working on the AWS platform and working on WAR automation, and AWS Media Services. He is interested in research and publishing tech blogs and also exploring new technologies.



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