AWS, Cloud Computing, SAP

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Hosting SAP on AWS Disaster Recovery Solutions

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SAP on AWS (Amazon Web Services) Disaster Recovery (DR) solutions are designed to ensure the availability and resilience of SAP systems hosted on the AWS cloud infrastructure. These solutions are critical for businesses that rely on SAP applications for their daily operations and want to minimize downtime and data loss during a disaster or unexpected outage. Implementing a robust SAP on AWS Disaster Recovery solution requires careful planning, regular testing, and ongoing maintenance. 


Hosting SAP on AWS can provide the scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness needed to run critical business applications while enabling organizations to leverage cloud-based innovation and stay competitive in the digital era. However, it’s essential to plan the AWS infrastructure carefully and consider the specific requirements of your SAP landscape to maximize the benefits.

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Cost Optimization on AWS & Its Importance

AWS cost optimization refers to managing and controlling your AWS spending while maximizing the value you get from AWS services. It involves finding ways to reduce unnecessary costs and improve resource efficiency.

Cost optimization is essential to ensure that the AWS resources are used efficiently and cost-effectively. It helps prevent overspending, allows us to allocate resources more strategically, and enables us to invest in areas that drive business growth.

Disaster Recovery Recommendations

When it comes to implementing a cost-optimized disaster recovery (DR) solution for SAP HANA on AWS, here are some recommendations that will help achieve cost efficiency while maintaining the required level of resilience:

  1. Multi-AZ Deployment: Deploy the SAP HANA system in a multi-availability Zone (AZ) configuration. This ensures that the primary SAP HANA instance is replicated synchronously to a secondary instance in a different AZ, providing high availability and reducing the risk of data loss in the event of an AZ-level failure. Although this incurs additional costs for running the secondary instance, it eliminates the need for manual failover and reduces the recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO).
  2. AWS Backup and Restore: Take advantage of AWS native backup and restore services to reduce costs. Use Amazon S3 to store backups instead of relying solely on expensive SAP HANA backups. This approach allows you to leverage Amazon S3’s cost-effective storage and flexible lifecycle policies to efficiently manage your backup retention period.
  3. Instance Sizing: Right-size SAP HANA instances to optimize costs without sacrificing performance. AWS offers a wide range of instance types, and selecting the appropriate instance size based on workload requirements can help achieve the right balance between performance and cost.
  4. On-Demand vs. Reserved Instances: Evaluate your workload patterns and usage requirements to determine if using on-demand instances or reserved instances is more cost-effective. On-demand instances provide flexibility and allow users to pay only for the compute On the other hand, Reserved instances offer significant cost savings if you have predictable and steady-state workloads over an extended period.
  5. Automated Shutdown and Startup: Consider implementing automation scripts or leveraging AWS services like AWS Systems Manager to automate the shutdown and startup of non-production SAP HANA instances during off-hours or periods of low activity. This will help reduce costs by only running instances when needed.
  6. Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor and optimize SAP HANA on the AWS environment to identify cost-saving opportunities. Use AWS Cost Explorer, Trusted Advisor, and third-party tools to analyze usage patterns, identify idle resources, and eliminate underutilized or unneeded components.
  7. Testing and Validation: Regularly test and validate your DR solution to ensure it meets the desired recovery objectives. Conduct disaster recovery drills and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the solution against the recovery time and recovery point objectives defined by your organization.

Remember, while implementing a cost-optimized DR solution, aligning your cost-saving strategies with your organization’s specific requirements for resilience, RTO, and RPO is crucial.

Architecture diagram for SAP HANA on AWS DR solution



By carefully considering the abovementioned factors and continuously monitoring and optimizing your SAP disaster recovery strategy on AWS, you can balance cost-effectiveness and resilience, ensuring that your critical SAP systems are protected while keeping costs under control.

Hosting SAP on AWS can offer businesses the scalability, dependability, and affordability they need to run crucial business applications while allowing them to take advantage of cloud-based innovation and remain competitive in the digital age. To reap the benefits, it is necessary to carefully build the AWS architecture and take into account the unique requirements of your SAP ecosystem.

For more information on hosting cost-optimized SAP solutions on AWS cloud, contact us at CloudThat!

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding SAP on AWS and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. How can I monitor my AWS costs?

ANS: – You can monitor AWS costs using AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Cost and Usage Reports, and AWS Budgets. These tools provide insights into your spending patterns and help you track your expenses.

2. What are AWS Reserved Instances (RIs), and how do they help with cost optimization?

ANS: – RIs are long-term commitments to use specific instance types in AWS. They offer significant discounts compared to On-Demand pricing. You can reduce your AWS compute costs by purchasing RIs for your predictable workloads.

3. How can I automate cost optimization on AWS?

ANS: – You can use AWS services like AWS Lambda, AWS Auto Scaling, and AWS CloudFormation to automate resource provisioning, scaling, and shutdown based on workload demands. Infrastructure as code (IAC) practices also aid in automating resource management.



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