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Streamlining Security at Scale with AWS IAM Access Analyzer

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Effectively managing permissions in the AWS Cloud, especially in dynamic access scenarios, can be challenging. While AWS IAM roles are suitable for static workloads, they can introduce complexity in more dynamic situations. AWS addresses this with AWS IAM Identity Center, which supports OAuth 2.0 for trusted identity propagation. This facilitates a solution for users with dynamic access needs.

Understanding AWS IAM Identity Center and OAuth

AWS IAM Identity Center is a centralized identity service that enables authentication from external identity providers (IdPs) like Okta or Microsoft Entra. Trusted identity propagation utilizes OAuth 2.0, allowing applications to share user information with AWS services, simplifying permissions based on user identity.

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Challenges with External OAuth Authorization Servers

Integrating external OAuth authorization servers, such as Okta Universal Directory, with AWS services using AWS IAM Identity Center presents challenges. AWS introduces Trusted Token Issuers (TTIs) to bridge this gap, ensuring a secure association between external IdP and AWS IAM Identity Center identities.

Trusted Token Issuer Overview

TTIs facilitate token exchange between external OAuth authorization servers and AWS IAM Identity Center. Administrators configure the Identity Center to trust external IdPs, map user attributes, and utilize two token exchange models: service-driven for AWS services and application-driven for third-party applications.

Configuring Trusted Token Issuers

Setting up TTIs involves adding them to the AWS IAM Identity Center console. Administrators connect to the OpenID Connect (OIDC) discovery URL, define attribute-based mappings, and configure applications for token exchange. This ensures secure communication and compatibility between the two identity domains.

Token Exchange Process

Automated token exchange occurs for AWS service-driven exchanges. In third-party application-driven exchanges, applications use the Identity Center OIDC API. Successful exchanges result in tokens granting access to AWS services, including user, AWS account, and Identity Center instance details.

Troubleshooting Trusted Token Issuers

Administrators verify URLs, attribute configurations, and token contents to troubleshoot TTI-related issues. User and group assignments are crucial, and AWS CloudTrail aids in auditing API calls and tracking actions performed on behalf of AWS IAM Identity Center users.


AWS IAM Identity Center’s Trusted Token Issuers provide an efficient solution for integrating external OAuth authorization servers with AWS services. This blog explores the configuration process, token exchange models, and troubleshooting techniques.

Leveraging TTIs enables administrators to simplify access management and enhance security for dynamic workforce scenarios in the AWS Cloud environment.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding AWS IAM Identity Center and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. What is the AWS IAM Identity Center, and how does it contribute to managing permissions in the AWS Cloud?

ANS: – AWS IAM Identity Center is a centralized identity service in AWS that enables authentication from external identity providers. It helps streamline permissions by supporting OAuth 2.0 for trusted identity propagation, which is particularly beneficial for users with dynamic access needs.

2. Why might AWS IAM roles become complex in dynamic access scenarios, and how does AWS address this challenge?

ANS: – AWS IAM roles, effective for static workloads, can introduce complexity in dynamic situations. AWS addresses this by introducing AWS IAM Identity Center, which supports OAuth 2.0 and provides a solution for users with dynamic access requirements.

3. What role do Trusted Token Issuers (TTIs) play in integrating external OAuth authorization servers with AWS IAM Identity Center?

ANS: – TTIs facilitate secure token exchange between external OAuth authorization servers and AWS IAM Identity Center. They establish a secure association between external IdP identities and AWS IAM Identity Center identities, addressing challenges in integrating external OAuth servers like Okta Universal Directory.

WRITTEN BY Dhruv Rajeshbhai Patel

Dhruv Patel is a Research Intern at CloudThat. He has completed his Master's in Computer Application and Cloud Certification in Azure and AWS. His area of interest lies in Cloud and Mobile Development Solutions. He loves to take ownership of the work that he is doing.



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