Azure, Cloud Computing, DevOps

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Integrating Terraform Scripts with Azure DevOps Using CI/CD Pipeline

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The combination of Terraform and Azure DevOps in cloud infrastructure management has become a powerful solution for automating infrastructure deployments. Terraform allows you to define and provision cloud resources, while Azure DevOps provides a robust platform for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD). By integrating Terraform scripts with Azure DevOps using a CI/CD pipeline, teams can streamline their infrastructure delivery process, maintain version control, and ensure consistent and efficient deployments. This blog will explore the steps involved in integrating Terraform with Azure DevOps and highlight its benefits.


Before we dive into the integration process, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • An Azure DevOps account: You will need an active Azure DevOps account to set up the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Terraform installed locally: Ensure you have Terraform installed on your local development machine.
  • An Azure subscription: You will need an active Azure subscription to deploy resources using Terraform.

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Steps to Create Terraform Project and Configure CI/CD

Step 1: Create a New Azure DevOps Project. To get started, create a new project in Azure DevOps that will host your CI/CD pipeline. Set up the required repositories and branches for your Terraform scripts. You can also configure permissions and access controls based on your team’s needs.

Step 2: Set Up a CI/CD Pipeline Azure DevOps provides a user-friendly interface for creating pipelines. Follow these steps to set up a CI/CD pipeline for your Terraform scripts:

  • Navigate to your Azure DevOps project and click the “Pipelines” tab.
  • Click the “New Pipeline” button to start the pipeline creation process.
  • Select your version control system (e.g., Azure Repos, GitHub, Bitbucket) where your Terraform scripts are hosted.
  • Choose the appropriate repository and branch containing your Terraform scripts.
  • Azure DevOps provides multiple pipeline templates. Select the template that aligns with your requirements, or choose an empty pipeline to create a custom one.
  • Configure the pipeline settings, such as agent pools, trigger conditions, and variables. You can define variables to store sensitive information like Azure credentials or configuration settings.
  • Define pipeline stages and tasks. For example, you can have stages for code validation, Terraform plan, and Terraform
  • Specify the necessary tasks for each stage, such as running Terraform commands, publishing artifacts, or triggering other pipelines.
  • Save and run the pipeline to test its execution.

Steps to Integrate Terraform and Build the Script

Step 1: Configure Terraform Execution in the Pipeline To integrate Terraform with the CI/CD pipeline, you must configure the pipeline tasks to execute Terraform commands. Here’s an example of how you can configure the tasks for the Terraform plan and apply stages:

  • Install the Terraform version: Use a pipeline task to install the required Terraform version on the build agent.
  • Initialize Terraform: Run the “terraform init” command to initialize the Terraform backend and download the required providers.
  • Terraform plan: Execute the “terraform plan” command to generate an execution plan without making any changes to the infrastructure. Capture the output as an artifact for review and approval.
  • Terraform apply: After manual approval or automated testing, run the “terraform apply” command to apply the changes to the infrastructure. This stage should have proper checks and balances to deploy changes safely.
  • Post-deployment tasks: After successfully applying the changes, you can run additional tasks such as environment validation, testing, or notifications.

Step 2: Version Control and Infrastructure-as-Code Best Practices To fully leverage the power of Terraform and Azure DevOps, it is crucial to follow the best practices:

  • Version control: Keep your Terraform scripts and infrastructure code in a version control system. This allows for easy collaboration, rollback, and auditing.
  • Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC): Treat your infrastructure as code by following IaC principles. Separate environment-specific variables from the Terraform scripts and use variables to abstract configuration settings.

Branching Strategy

Adopt a branching strategy that suits your team’s needs. For example, use feature branches for individual changes, and merge them into a development or main branch for deployment.

  • Testing and validation: Implement automated testing and validation steps in your pipeline to ensure infrastructure changes meet the expected outcomes. Leverage tools like Terratest for unit and integration testing.
  • Continuous monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring and observability practices to gain insights into your infrastructure’s health and performance.


Integrating Terraform scripts with Azure DevOps using a CI/CD pipeline streamlines the deployment and management of infrastructure resources. It enables teams to achieve consistency, version control, and automation in cloud infrastructure deployments.

By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can leverage the power of Terraform and Azure DevOps to accelerate your infrastructure delivery and enhance collaboration within your team

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1. Can I use Azure DevOps with other cloud providers besides Azure?

ANS: – Yes, Azure DevOps supports integration with multiple cloud providers, including AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and more. You can adapt the CI/CD pipeline to work with the cloud provider of your choice.

2. What are the benefits of integrating Terraform with Azure DevOps?

ANS: – Integrating Terraform with Azure DevOps enables infrastructure-as-code practices, version control, and automation. It ensures consistent deployments, simplifies collaboration, and enhances the repeatability and scalability of infrastructure provisioning.

WRITTEN BY Kishan Singh

Kishan Singh works as Research Associate (Infra, Migration, and Security) at CloudThat. He is Azure Administrator and Azure Developer certified. He is highly organized and an excellent communicator with good experience in Cyber Security and Cloud technologies. He works with a positive attitude and has a good problem-solving approach.



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