Cloud Computing, Cloud Native Application Development

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Internet Technologies Acting as Foundation to Cloud-Native Application Development

1. Introduction
2. Why do We Need to Understand How Web Browsers Work?
3. Evolution of Web Browsers
4. Features of Modern Day Web Browsers
5. Internet Technologies Fostering Cloud-Native Application Development
6. About CloudThat



A web browser is a piece of technology that allows you to access the World Wide Web (www), or the Internet as it is often called. It serves as a link between us and the information on the internet. This unique software includes an address bar, which is the sole way to access the World Wide Web in any browser. In this text area, we type the URL of the website we want to visit. Now, a website address is merely an IP address in its most basic form (which looks like The web browser asks the webserver (where our website is hosted) to retrieve material such as text, pictures, and multimedia on our behalf.
This blog post illustrates the fundamentals of the internet the historical growth of Internet browsers, and their features, and also elucidates how the growth of Internet technologies has made way for cloud-native application development in recent days.

Why do We Need to Understand How Web Browsers Work?

In the previous several decades, the Internet as we know has changed dramatically. Our reliance on the Internet has also increased dramatically. The advantages of the Internet are indisputable. It altered the meaning of information as we know it now. It has interwoven the world as a global village. Human interactions have been nurtured overwhelmingly. As a result, humans today can distribute any type of knowledge around the globe in the blink of an eye.

The Internet’s potential is limitless. The browser is a strong and popular tool for accessing the Internet that can help you realize this potential. Every one of us irrespective of our age group needs a browser. For more experienced readers, therefore it is critical to grasp the fundamentals of browsers and how they function technically.

Evolution of Web Browsers

Web browsers have been around for a few decades, but they have come a long way. As of 2020, it will be utilized by almost 5 billion people, up from only a few dozen persons. Browsers have seen a lot, from battles for market dominance between tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and others, to technological problems in meeting the exponentially growing demand for information and the need for additional sorts of media to serve consumers.

Web Browser History
Year Browser Company Market Share Mile Stone
1990 World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee 100% World’s first web browser
1993 Mosaic Netscape 100% World’s first Popular browser Had images embedded in it
1994 Navigator Netscape 100% Most Popular browser
1995 Internet Explorer Microsoft 95% (in 2002) First browser war against Netscape
2003 Safari Apple Same as iOS Popular only on Apple devices
2004 Firefox Mozilla 28% (in 2011) First open-source Model
2008 Chrome Google 69% (in 2021) Dominant since launch
2015 Edge Microsoft 3.4% (in 2021) Launched to combat chrome

Apart from the corporate rivalry that sparked the development of improved browsers, greater broadband access was also critical in the advancement of browsers. People now have access to data/graphics-heavy websites, such as YouTube streaming, which was not conceivable when dial-up modems were used.

Features of Modern Day Web Browsers

This post illustrates the fundamentals of the Internet and Modern web browsers as the result of technological advancements and ongoing work and efforts by several groups to build the best web browsers. Broadband connections, on the other hand, have played a significant role in the growth of web browsers. This provided the necessary headroom for web browsers to grow and serve data-intensive media. This gave rise to 3D animations, live streaming, and other forms of media.

The following are some of the most important features of every current web browser:

The lack of shared standards caused the early tension between different browser vendors. There’d be a demand for it. The W3C is the most well-known online standards organization.

Others include the WHATWG (which maintains the HTML language’s living standards), ECMA (which publishes the ECMAScript standard, on which JavaScript is based), Khronos (which publishes 3D graphics technologies such as WebGL), and others.

When something has so much potential and so many users, it’s only reasonable to want to keep it safe. Browsers implement a variety of security measures, such as CORS, CSRF, and others.

Many security features, like as X-Content-Type-Options, are offered by the browser but activated or controlled by the server via HTTP headers.

No one wants to be left behind in today’s fast-paced world. The speed with which a browser responds would give it an advantage over others. Google Chrome is a great illustration of this. This great piece of software has remained a dominating browser since its introduction, even after a decade, just due to its speed and stability. The underlying Javascript Engine determines the speed of any browser.

Here are a few examples of JS engines that are used by various browsers.

Edge = Chakra, Google Chrome = V8 Engine

Firefox is the same as SpiderMonkey.

This is the most recent enhancement to a browser’s capabilities. Google Chrome learns a user’s browsing pattern and adjusts itself for better results using machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI). If you visit a page numerous times, for example, Google Chrome may learn and load it before you visit it again.

Internet Technologies Fostering Cloud-Native Application Development

The growth of the Internet and related technologies like browsers has made way for rapid strides in the cloud computing space as traditional on-premises computing is being replaced by cloud-first strategies. This blog post on the fundamentals of the Internet also emphasizes the fact that the app development sphere has also witnessed rapid changes with organizations embracing Cloud-Native Application development methods instead of traditional app development mechanisms. CloudThat is a stalwart in the cloud space is enabling organizations to develop Cloud-Native Applications. Organizations can reap the benefits of cloud-native application development by using microservices that ensure better resiliency, easier maintenance, quicker updates & deployments, and high business agility.  Most importantly, Organizations can witness significant growth with swifter time to market as against slow traditional processes of application creation and deployment.

About CloudThat

CloudThat is the official AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, and Google Cloud Partner, helping people develop knowledge on the cloud and help their businesses aim for higher goals using best in industry cloud computing practices and expertise. We are on a mission to build a robust cloud computing ecosystem by disseminating knowledge on technological intricacies within the cloud space. Our blogs, webinars, case studies, and white papers enable all the stakeholders in the cloud computing sphere.

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WRITTEN BY Rahul Kumar Jha



  1. Ashish pal

    May 24, 2022


    Nice content and informative blog.Thanks rahul for the info.

  2. Sagar Kumar Jha

    May 24, 2022


    Impressive content by Rahul. I have had the privilege of studying with Rahul, he has always been a meritorious student and has good knowledge of cloud currently and is doing great in his current field of Information Technology

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