AWS, Cloud Computing

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What is AWS S3 Storage Lens? and How to Create One?

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Why S3 Storage Lens?

S3 storage service is an analytic storage feature of S3 that is used in many organizations to store a wide range of data and ­­­gain visibility on how the data is stored in S3. Migration of more applications to the S3 becomes more complicated. Managing such data and the environment becomes more complex for customers to analyze and operate. Storage Lens gives the customer the metrics to understand how the data is stored in AWS S3.

To help customers analyze storage, AWS has the most advanced feature for storage across the AWS cloud with the S3 storage Lens. With the S3 storage lens, the user can analyze and optimize the storage using metrics and an AWS dashboard to aggregate your entire organization’s aggregate data. Storage Lens provides you with a dashboard that can be used to visualize the insight, flag outliers, recommend storage costs, and apply the best practice for data protection. Storage Lens can also be used in your organization to collect storage and usage data metrics for all AWS accounts in the AWS Organization hierarchy. You must enable trusted access using your AWS organization management account to use this.

Once trusted access is enabled, you can assign administrator access to your account in your organization. This access provides the administrator visibility to the member and the organization’s structure to create a storage lens dashboard. The storage lens will aggregate your metrics and display the information in the Account Snapshot section on the AWS S3 console to manage and monitor the data stored in S3 Buckets. It provides an interactive dashboard that can be used to visualize the insights and outliers. You can receive recommendations for optimizing the storage cost and applying the best practices for storing your data in S3.

S3 Storage Lens is available in all regions and can be accessed with AWS S3 API, CL, or an S3 console.

Tiers of S3 Storage Lens

S3 storage Len has two tiers:

  1. Free Metrics: It is free of cost and available for all customers with 15 metrics.
  2. Advanced Metrics: It incurs additional cost as they provide 29 metrics and activity metrics with 15 months of data retention and contextual recommendations

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Step by Step Creation of Storage Lens from AWS S3

Now let’s see how to create a storage Lens from the AWS S3 console:­­­­

    1. Sign in to your AWS account
    2. On the search bar, choose S3

      1. On the S3 console,
        Click on Dashboard
        on the left-hand side and select Create Dashboard.

      1. On the create dashboard page,
        • Give a name for the dashboard as Test
        • Home regions choose region,
        • On status, choose Enable
        • For specific regions and buckets, choose both the options
        • Leave rest options as default and click on Create Dashboard
        • After creating the dashboard, you can see the popup which says it can take 48 hours to complete a metrics.
      1. After creating the dashboard, you can see the popup which says it can take 48 hours to complete a metrics.

    1. Select the dashboard you created in the previous step on the dashboards.
    2. No data is available yet, as it takes 48 hours to analyze the metrics from all the buckets.

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WRITTEN BY Sindhu Priya M



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