AWS, Cloud Computing, DevOps

3 Mins Read

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform’s Dynamic Blocks

Voiced by Amazon Polly


In the rapidly advancing world of cloud infrastructure management, efficiently orchestrating and maintaining resources is necessary. Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, stands out as a robust Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, empowering users to declare and manage their infrastructure in a declarative and version-controlled manner. Among its features, dynamic blocks emerge as a powerful tool, offering a dynamic and concise way to define configurations.

Terraform’s dynamic blocks provide a flexible approach to specifying repeated configurations, steering away from the static nature of traditional block structures. The ability to dynamically generate configurations based on variables fosters a more adaptable, readable, and scalable approach to infrastructure management.

This blog aims to dive into the realm of dynamic blocks in Terraform, unraveling their significance and guiding you through their practical application. As we journey through the use case, you’ll witness how dynamic blocks can transform your Terraform code, making it more modular and efficient in the face of dynamic infrastructure requirements.

Use Cases

Consider a common scenario where you must provision multiple instances of a particular resource, such as Amazon EC2 instances in AWS. Each instance may necessitate different configurations, including the AMI ID, instance type, or attached storage. In a conventional approach, one might be inclined to duplicate entire blocks of code, leading to code redundancy and decreased maintainability.

With the dynamic blocks feature, you can dynamically generate configurations based on variables, allowing for concise and elegant definitions. Our use case will revolve around deploying a variable number of Amazon EC2 instances, each with its unique set of configurations.

Imagine a scenario where your application’s demand is unpredictable, and you must dynamically scale the number of instances. Using dynamic blocks, you can achieve this without the need for cumbersome code duplication. This streamlines your Terraform code and positions it to adapt seamlessly to changes in infrastructure requirements, making your IaC more agile and resilient.

In the below sections, we will walk you through the step-by-step implementation of dynamic blocks using AWS as our cloud provider, illustrating how this feature can revolutionize your approach to managing infrastructure.

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Step-by-Step Implementation

In the below steps, we implement dynamic blocks for the AWS Instance resource having dynamic Amazon EBS volume configurations in Terraform,

Step 1: Set Up Your Terraform Environment

Before diving into dynamic blocks, have Terraform installed on your machine. If not, download the latest version from the official Terraform website. Configure your AWS credentials to allow Terraform to interact with your AWS account.

Step 2: Define Variables

In your Terraform configuration file (e.g.,, define the variables used in your dynamic block. These variables will determine the dynamic behavior of your configuration. For instance, let’s create a variable for the List of names of Amazon EC2 instances to launch. The goal is to launch all instances listed in the variable.

Step 3: Implementing Dynamic Blocks

Now, use dynamic blocks to create your Amazon EC2 instances dynamically. Below is an example that launches Amazon EC2 instances with varying Amazon EBS block configurations.

In the above code, for_each is used to iterate through all the instances in the instance_name variable list. This is a better approach than using count attribute to launch more than one resource.

The condition is set in the dynamic block that the ebs_block_device is applicable only if the instance name is “instance2”. Thus, this block will be skipped while creating the other 2 instances in the given example. This way, based on the requirement, you can make your resource block very efficient.

Step 4: Run Terraform Commands

Initialize your Terraform configuration using the below command

Plan the changes

Apply the changes

Step 5: Test and validate

After completing the apply command, you can verify that the resources have been provisioned correctly. You can check your AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to inspect the created Amazon EC2 instances.


Dynamic blocks in Terraform provide a powerful mechanism for creating flexible and reusable configurations. By leveraging dynamic blocks, you can streamline your Terraform code, making it more efficient, readable, and adaptable to changing infrastructure requirements.

As you continue your journey with Terraform, explore additional use cases for dynamic blocks and discover how they can enhance your Infrastructure as Code practices. The ability to dynamically generate configurations based on variables brings a new level of scalability and simplicity to managing your cloud infrastructure.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Dynamic blocks in Terraform and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. When should I use dynamic blocks in Terraform?

ANS: – Dynamic blocks are particularly useful when you must provision multiple instances of the same resource type with varying configurations. They enhance code reusability and maintainability in scenarios where resource parameters are dynamic or conditional.

2. Can I use dynamic blocks with any Terraform resource?

ANS: – Yes, dynamic blocks can be applied to various Terraform resources. They are commonly used with resource blocks like aws_instance, aws_security_group, and aws_lb_listener, among others.


Vignesh K S works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. He is interested in learning the latest technologies and methodologies related to Cloud Services and Development in Cloud using serverless services.



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