AI, AI/ML, Artificial Intelligence

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How AI Can Change the Future of Education

Voiced by Amazon Polly


The global focus is currently centered on the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence tools within knowledge and creator economies. As the primary hubs of knowledge and creative endeavors, schools could potentially be the initial locations where noticeable changes occur. From personalized learning to administrative efficiency, Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers promising solutions to some of our educational systems’ most pressing challenges. However, with these exciting prospects come ethical concerns and the need for careful policy considerations. This blog will discuss how AI is used in education, its real-life uses, and what it means for students, teachers, and policymakers. 


AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence in Education

OpenAI data revealed that the technology industry has the greatest number of businesses using the software followed by the education sector. UNESCO recognizes the potential of AI to support the Education 2030 Agenda while ensuring fullness and equity in its application. The organization advocates for a human-centered approach, emphasizing AI’s role in addressing inequality in access to knowledge and cultural diversity. They developed guidance for policymakers to navigate the complexities of Artificial Intelligence in education, aiming to create a shared understanding of its opportunities and challenges. 

 The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology’s new policy report addresses the clear need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education. The report describes AI as a rapidly advancing set of technologies for recognizing patterns in data and actions. It guides educators in understanding what these emerging technologies can do to advance educational goals—while evaluating and limiting key risks. 

AI is not just improving education it’s also offering students many new career possibilities.  It creates job openings in AI research, data science, and more. It has become increasingly accessible, and companies like CloudThat offer Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning courses to meet the specific needs of learners. These courses provide comprehensive knowledge, ensuring that you are well-prepared for the future of technology.  


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Benefits of AI in the Classroom

Artificial Intelligence In education

1. Course Quality Enhancement: AI can identify areas where students struggle, allowing educators to make targeted improvements in teaching materials and methods. This ensures a more effective and engaging learning experience.

2. Immediate Feedback: It can increase the quality and quantity of feedback provided to students and teachers and suggest resources to advance their teaching and learning. It offers real-time feedback to students in an environment where making mistakes is encouraged as a crucial part of the learning process. This personalized feedback aids in student improvement. 

3. Teacher Support: Designing AI-enabled tools to improve their jobs and enable them to engage better and support their students. It also helps to liberate teachers’ time, allowing them to focus on the core of teaching. This collaboration between teachers and AI enhances the quality of education.

4. Automation of Administrative Tasks: Teachers often spend significant time grading assignments and tests. AI can automate these tasks efficiently, even assessing written responses, providing teachers more time for direct student engagement. It also streamlines the enrollment and admissions processes, making education more efficient.

5. Study programs: AI-powered study programs offer students additional support outside the classroom. These programs are becoming more advanced and can cater to various learning styles. Parents can appreciate the value of AI in helping their children with homework and test preparations.

6. Global Access: AI-powered tools break down language barriers and make education accessible to all, including those with disabilities or in remote areas. For example, Presentation Translator offers real-time subtitles, broadening the reach of education.

Many more AI applications for education are being developed, including AI mentors for learners, further development of intelligent content, and a new method of personal growth for educators through virtual global conferences. Education might be a bit slower than adopting artificial intelligence and machine learning, but the changes are beginning and will continue. Google’s chatbot, Gemini, was released to a limited number of users in the United States and Britain. Conceived initially as a creative tool designed to draft emails and poems, it can generate ideas, write blog posts, and answer questions with facts or opinions. 


Differentiated Learning

AI enables unmatched levels of differentiation in education. Adaptive learning platforms like Content Technologies and Carnegie Learning tailor content to individual students’ needs, identifying knowledge gaps, and redirecting students to relevant topics. A recent essay by The Chronicle of Higher Education shows how much students depend on AI for their academic accomplishments. AI’s ability to recognize students’ emotions and adapt lessons accordingly promises a future of truly customized education. 


Challenges and Ethical Considerations

1. Ethical Considerations: The use of AI in education raises ethical questions, such as data privacy and the potential for bias in algorithms. Policymakers and educators must address these concerns to ensure fair and responsible AI use.

2. Digital Divide: The accessibility of AI tools varies across regions and communities, potentially worsening educational inequalities. Crossing this digital divide is essential for fair AI adoption.

3. Overreliance on AI: There’s a risk of overreliance on Artificial Intelligence, which could lessen the role of human educators and creativity in teaching. Maintaining the right balance between AI and human interaction is crucial.



As the present-day educational structure is becoming more and more competitive and challenging, there is a need for it to be capable of meeting international benchmarks. Artificial Intelligence offers personalized learning experiences, administrative efficiency, and global accessibility. However, it also presents challenges that require careful consideration. It is essential to maintain a human-centered approach, ensuring that AI enhances, rather than replaces, the invaluable role of educators.  


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1. What role do policymakers play in AI adoption in education?

ANS: –  Policymakers should create regulations to protect student data and promote responsible AI use in schools.

2. Is AI replacing teachers in the classroom?

ANS: – No, AI is designed to complement teachers by automating tasks and offering personalized support.

3. Are there AI courses for students interested in AI careers?

ANS: – Many institutions and online platforms offer AI and machine learning courses to prepare students for AI-related careers. Companies like CloudThat in India provide well-structured courses to prepare learners for the ever-evolving tech world, offering valuable skills for AI-related careers.

4. Can AI be used for special education and individualized learning plans?

ANS: –  Yes, AI can create individualized learning plans to support students with diverse needs, including special education. 

5. How can schools ensure data privacy when using AI?

ANS: – Schools should implement robust data protection measures and adhere to data privacy regulations to safeguard student information. 

6. What's the future of AI in education?

ANS: – The future likely involves more advanced AI applications, such as AI mentors, smarter content, and virtual global conferences for educators.

7. Can AI assist in improving the quality of education globally?

ANS: – Yes, AI can enhance education worldwide by providing accessible, high-quality resources and personalized learning experiences. 

8. How can parents support their children's education with AI?

ANS: – Parents can use AI-powered study programs and educational apps to assist their children with homework and test preparations. 


Sandra is an accomplished postgraduate in English language and literature from the University of Kerala, hailing from the picturesque city of Kollam. With a strong foundation in language and communication, she possesses excellent written and oral communication skills. Her academic journey has honed her abilities to demonstrate accuracy and attention to detail, qualities that she believes are vital in fostering effective content writing. Here at CloudThat, Sandra works as a Content Intern in marketing, where she learns new skills and abilities that contribute to her professional growth.



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