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Developers can describe the resources for their cloud applications using the AWS CDK and well-known programming languages, including TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, and Go. AWS CloudFormation can provision cloud infrastructure utilizing this open-source software development framework.
The CDK can be compared to a compiler for cloud infrastructure, offering Constructs, a collection of high-level class libraries that abstract cloud resources and include AWS best practices. By combining these Constructs, object-oriented CDK applications can precisely describe the application infrastructure while omitting cumbersome boilerplate logic. The CloudFormation Template, which serves as the assembly language for the AWS cloud infrastructure, is created when the CDK application is executed. The CloudFormation provisioning engine processes the template, which is then deployed into the user’s AWS account. The CloudFormation engine deploys the template into the user’s AWS account. The CDK tools ensure that the application infrastructure stack is defined easily and the stack’s safe and reliable provisioning is handled by the CloudFormation service.
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A Step-By-Step Guide to running the Application using (AWS CDK) in an AWS Cloud9 development environment.
Step 1. Configure Cloud9
- Sign into the AWS Management Console: Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to Cloud9
- Configure a Cloud9 IDE with your IAM User having t3.small and two vCPUs, 2 GiB Memory.
Step 2 Install required tools: – Open the environment and install the required tools. Verify the most recent security updates and bug fixes are installed in an AWS Cloud9 IDE terminal session. This step involves installing all the tools in the environment that the AWS CDK needs to run a sample that is written in the TypeScript programming language.
Confirm whether Node Version Manager or nvm (which is used to install Node.js later) is already installed using the nvm command with the –version option.
nvm –version
Use the below command to install if it is not installed.
For Amazon Linux:
sudo yum -y update
For Ubuntu Server:
sudo apt update
Node.js is required by the sample and contains Node Package Manager, or npm , which you use to install TypeScript and the AWS CDK later.
Confirm whether Node.js is already installed, and also confirm that the installed version is 16.17.0 or greater.
node –version
If not installed, run the below command to install Node.js 16.17.0 by running the nvm command with the install action.
nvm install v16.17.0
- TypeScript, which is required by this sample. (The AWS CDK also provides support for several other programming languages.) Confirm whether you already have TypeScript installed. To do this, with the terminal session still open in the IDE, run the command line TypeScript compiler with the –version option.
tsc –version
If not installed, Install TypeScript using the npm command with the install action, the -g option, and the name of the TypeScript package. Use the below-given command to install TypeScript as a global package in the environment.
npm install -g typescript.
Confirm whether the AWS CDK is already installed. To do this, run the cdk command with the –version option with the terminal session still open in the IDE.
cdk –version
if not installed, run this command to install it
npm install -g aws-cdk
Step 3. Use the following link to download the zip file.
ex-attachment.zip will be downloaded and renamed it DVA.zip
Step 4. Open it and upload the zip file in cloud9 by clicking on the file menu. Then click on Upload local file, click on Select file, and click on Open.
Step 5. Unzip the zip file using the command:
$ unzip DVA.zip
Step 6. Unzip the application zip file using the command $ unzip <file-name>.zip as given below:
$ unzip serverless-saga-pattern-cdk-main.zip
Step 7. Now, go to the application folder by using the command.
$ cd serverless-saga-pattern-cdk-main
Step 8. Now write the command to install lib.
npm install
Step 9. Use the code below to compile.
npm run build
Step 10. Use the below command to synthesize or execute the Application
cdk synth
Step 11. Use the below command to provision the resources for the Application
cdk bootstrap
Step 12. use the below command to deploy the Application.
cdk deploy
Step 13. Once it is complete, it will show CdkServerlessSagaStack with a green tick and copy the endpoint URL received at the end of cdk deployment and paste it into the web browser to test the endpoint.
Step 14. Now go to all resources like CloudFormation, API gateway, lambda, and DynamoDB and explore the resources that are created.
Go to the API gateway console, go to stages, and click the prod stage. You will get the same URL.
Step 15. Use the command given below to destroy the created resources.
cdk destroy
The AWS Cloud Development Kit uses a code-first methodology to define the infrastructure for cloud applications. Since then, over thirty versions have been issued, with the motto “release early, release often” being adhered to expedite the delivery of new features. With its increasing popularity, new features will be developed quickly and published frequently. Cloud application development and management are made simpler and more effective with the help of the AWS CDK, which gives developers a solid tool to describe their cloud architecture using well-known programming languages and deliver it using the AWS CloudFormation service.
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WRITTEN BY Vijaya Lakshmi Singh