Rohit Lovanshi

Research Associate

Rohit Lovanshi works as a Research Associate (Infra, Migration, and Security Team) at CloudThat. He is AWS Developer Associate certified. He has a positive attitude and works effectively in a team. He loves learning about new technology and trying out different approaches to problem-solving.

Rohit Lovanshi Blogs

Total Posts : 16

AWS, Cloud Computing

Amazon Nimble Studio for Cloud-Based Visual Content Creation

By Rohit Lovanshi

Mar 21, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing

A Guide to Setup Windows Machine as a Customer Gateway Device

By Rohit Lovanshi

Mar 11, 2024

AI/ML, AWS, Cloud Computing

Optimal Approaches to Prompt Engineering with Amazon CodeWhisperer

By Rohit Lovanshi

Feb 5, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing

A Guide for Website Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics

By Rohit Lovanshi

Dec 4, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing

A Guide to Windows EC2 Password Recovery by EC2Rescue

By Rohit Lovanshi

Dec 4, 2023

Rohit Lovanshi Case Studies

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