Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Research Associate

Mohammad Zubair Saifi works as a Research Associate at CloudThat. He has knowledge of AWS Cloud Services and resources and DevOps tools like Jenkins, Docker, K8s, Ansible, and Terraform. He is passionate about improving his skills and learning new tools and technologies.

Mohammad Zubair Saifi Blogs

Total Posts : 16

AWS, Cloud Computing

Sending Amazon ECS Container Logs to an Amazon S3 Bucket using Amazon ECS Fire Lens

By Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Jun 21, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing

AWS CloudFormation's IaC Generator for Seamless Integration and Enhanced Efficiency

By Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Feb 26, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing

A Guide to Integrating Amazon EBS Volumes with Amazon ECS

By Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Feb 20, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security

AWS Management Control and Private Access Strategies

By Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Jan 25, 2024

AWS, Cloud Computing

Amazon EC2 Hibernate Now Embraces Amazon's Newest Instances

By Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Dec 18, 2023

AWS, Cloud Computing

The Power of Amazon EC2 I4i Instances for Storage-Intensive Workloads

By Mohammad Zubair Saifi

Dec 5, 2023

Mohammad Zubair Saifi Case Studies

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