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Enhancing AWS Lambda Performance with Provisioned Concurrency

Voiced by Amazon Polly


AWS Lambda has revolutionized how developers build and deploy applications by offering a serverless computing model that automatically manages server infrastructure. While Lambda functions provide scalability and cost-effectiveness, there are scenarios where performance is critical, particularly for latency-sensitive applications. To address these challenges, AWS introduced Provisioned Concurrency. This feature enables you to pre-initialize a specified number of Lambda function instances, ensuring they are ready to handle requests immediately.

Provisioned Concurrency

When AWS Lambda function is invoked, AWS creates an instance of the function, which includes downloading code, initializing the runtime environment, and running our code. This “cold start” can introduce latency, especially if the function is invoked infrequently or after a period of inactivity. Provisioned Concurrency mitigates this issue by keeping a predetermined number of instances warm and ready to respond.

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Key Benefits of Provisioned Concurrency

  1. Reduced Latency: By maintaining warm instances, Provisioned Concurrency significantly reduces cold start latency, allowing your function to handle incoming requests quickly.
  2. Consistent Performance: It ensures a consistent response time for functions that experience variable workloads or sudden spikes in traffic.
  3. Scalability: Automatically scales up to the number of provisioned instances during high-demand periods and scales down during low-demand periods, optimizing resource use and cost.
  4. Ease of Management: Integrated seamlessly with AWS Lambda’s existing infrastructure, requiring minimal changes to your current function configurations.

How to Configure Provisioned Concurrency

Configuring Provisioned Concurrency for an AWS Lambda function is straightforward. Below are the steps to set it up using the AWS Management Console and AWS CLI.

  1. Using the AWS Management Console
  • Open the AWS Lambda Console: Log into the AWS Management Console and navigate to the AWS Lambda service.
  • Select Your Function: Choose the function you want to enhance with Provisioned Concurrency.
  • Configuration Tab: Click on the Configuration tab, then select Concurrency.
  • Set Provisioned Concurrency: Click on Edit under Provisioned Concurrency. Here, you can specify the number of instances you wish to provision.
  • Save Changes: After setting the desired number of provisioned instances, click Save.
  1. Using AWS CLI

You can also configure Provisioned Concurrency using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Below is an example command to set provisioned concurrency:

  1. Using AWS SDK

If you prefer programmatic access, you can configure Provisioned Concurrency using AWS SDKs, such as Boto3 for Python:

Monitoring Provisioned Concurrency

Monitoring the performance of your provisioned AWS Lambda function is essential to ensure that it meets your application’s requirements. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to track metrics such as:

  • Invocations: The number of times your function is invoked.
  • Duration: The time taken for each invocation.
  • Errors: Any errors that occur during execution.
  • ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions: The number of provisioned concurrency instances in use.

Setting up Amazon CloudWatch alarms can help you proactively manage performance issues and adjust your provisioned concurrency settings as needed.

Best Practices for Using Provisioned Concurrency

  1. Analyze Usage Patterns: Evaluate your application’s traffic patterns to determine the optimal number of provisioned instances. Consider using AWS Lambda’s metrics to analyze cold start frequency and function latency.
  2. Test Different Configurations: Regularly test various configurations under different loads to find the most efficient setup for your function.
  3. Combine with Auto-Scaling: Use Auto-Scaling policies and Provisioned Concurrency to dynamically adjust the number of provisioned instances based on real-time usage.
  4. Cost Consideration: Remember that Provisioned Concurrency incurs additional costs. Monitor your spending and adjust configurations to optimize costs while maintaining performance.

Performance Optimization Strategies

In addition to using Provisioned Concurrency, there are several other strategies you can employ to optimize the performance of your AWS Lambda functions:

  1. Optimize Function Code
  • Minimize Dependencies: Reduce the number and size of dependencies included in your Lambda function to decrease initialization time.
  • Efficient Coding Practices: Use efficient algorithms and data structures to improve execution speed and reduce resource consumption.
  1. Optimize Memory Allocation
  • Right-sizing Memory: Allocate the appropriate amount of memory to your function. More memory increases the CPU power available to your function, which can result in faster execution times.
  1. Use Environment Variables
  • Configuration Management: Use environment variables to manage configuration settings and reduce the need for code changes.
  1. Leverage AWS Lambda Power Tuning
  • AWS Lambda Power Tuning: Use the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool to find the optimal memory configuration for your functions to balance cost and performance.


Provisioned Concurrency is a powerful feature for enhancing the performance of AWS Lambda functions, particularly for applications requiring low latency and consistent response times.

By pre-warming Lambda instances, you can ensure that your serverless applications meet the demands of users while maintaining efficiency. By following best practices and regularly monitoring performance, you can effectively leverage Provisioned Concurrency to optimize your AWS Lambda functions.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding Provisioned Concurrency and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. What is Provisioned Concurrency in AWS Lambda?

ANS: – Provisioned Concurrency keeps a specified number of AWS Lambda instances warm and ready to handle requests immediately, reducing cold start latency.

2. How does Provisioned Concurrency impact costs?

ANS: – Provisioned Concurrency adds costs by charging for the time instances are kept warm in addition to the regular execution costs of your AWS Lambda functions.

3. Can I use Provisioned Concurrency with any runtime?

ANS: – Yes, Provisioned Concurrency is compatible with all AWS Lambda runtimes, including Node.js, Python, Java, Go, .NET Core, Ruby, and custom runtimes.

WRITTEN BY Deepak Kumar Manjhi



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