AWS, Cloud Computing

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Revolutionizing Trademark Search with Image Similarity On AWS

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Trademarks play a critical role in brand protection and recognition of intellectual property. The trademark registration process involves a thorough search to ensure that a proposed mark does not infringe upon existing ones. Traditionally, this search has relied heavily on textual comparisons, which can be limiting when dealing with visual elements like logos and designs.


Enter image similarity – a technological advancement transforming how trademark searches are conducted. By leveraging powerful machine learning algorithms, we can now analyze and compare the visual characteristics of trademarks, enabling more comprehensive and accurate search results.

Let’s explore the underlying architecture that powers this image similarity revolution, as illustrated in the diagram provided:


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Key Components and Flow

  1. Data Ingestion and Storage
  • Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): This is the primary storage for all image data related to trademarks. It’s a highly scalable and durable object storage service that can handle vast amounts of data. Both new trademark images and legacy data migrated from the on-premise Oracle database are stored here.
  • AWS Database Migration Service (DMS): This service facilitates the migration of existing trademark image data from the on-premise Oracle database to Amazon S3 in the cloud. It ensures a smooth transition of data to the new architecture.
  1. Image Processing and Feature Extraction
  • AWS Lambda: This serverless compute service allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. AWS Lambda functions are triggered in this architecture whenever new images are uploaded to Amazon S3. These functions initiate the image processing pipeline.
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR): This fully managed container registry stores and manages Docker container images. Amazon ECR holds the containerized machine learning models responsible for feature extraction in this context.
  • Feature Extraction Models: These machine learning models, running within containers managed by Amazon ECR, analyze the images and extract distinctive features or embeddings. These embeddings represent the visual characteristics of the images in a numerical format suitable for similarity comparisons.
  1. Vector Database
  • Amazon OpenSearch Service: This service is used as a vector database to store the image embeddings generated in the previous step. OpenSearch is adept at handling high-dimensional vector data and performing efficient similarity searches.
  1. Query Processing
  • Amazon SageMaker: This comprehensive machine learning service enables building, training, and deploying machine learning models. Amazon SageMaker manages the query processing in this architecture when a new trademark image is submitted for search.
  • Auto Scaling Group of Endpoints: Amazon SageMaker deploys an auto-scaling group of endpoints to handle the query processing workload. This ensures the system can scale up or down based on demand, providing optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
  1. Results and Presentation
  • Similarity Search: When a new trademark image is submitted, its embedding is generated and used as a query to search for similar images in the OpenSearch vector database. The database returns the most similar images based on their proximity to the query embedding.
  • Web Application: The search results, visual comparisons, and other relevant information are presented to the user through a web application. This application likely provides an intuitive interface for users to interact with the system and review search results.

Flow of the Architecture

  1. New Trademark Image Submission: A user submits a new trademark image through the web application.
  2. Image Upload to Amazon S3: The image is uploaded to Amazon S3 for storage.
  3. Lambda Trigger and Image Processing: The upload to Amazon S3 triggers the AWS Lambda function. This function initiates the image processing pipeline, invoking the feature extraction models from Amazon ECR.
  4. Feature Extraction: The machine learning models analyze the image and generate its embedding, capturing its visual characteristics.
  5. Embedding Storage: The image embedding is stored in the OpenSearch vector database.
  6. Query Processing: When the user initiates a search, the query image’s embedding is generated and sent to Amazon SageMaker.
  7. Similarity Search: Amazon SageMaker performs a similarity search in the OpenSearch database using the query embedding.
  8. Results Retrieval: The most similar images from the database are retrieved.
  9. Presentation: The search results, including visual comparisons, are presented to the user through the web application.

This architecture demonstrates a powerful and efficient solution for implementing image similarity in trademark search, leveraging the capabilities of various AWS services to streamline the process and enhance accuracy. It showcases the potential of machine learning and cloud computing in transforming intellectual property management.

Additional Considerations

  • The architecture leverages AWS Lambda for serverless computing, providing scalability and cost-efficiency.
  • Amazon API Gateway manages API requests and responses, ensuring secure and controlled access to the system.
  • AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) controls user permissions, safeguarding sensitive data.
  • Monitoring and logging services like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail track system health and activity, aiding in troubleshooting and auditing.


Image similarity, powered by sophisticated machine learning and cloud infrastructure, is reshaping the landscape of trademark search.

By incorporating visual analysis, we can ensure a more robust and reliable trademark registration process, fostering a fair and competitive marketplace. As technology evolves, we can expect even more innovative applications of image similarity in intellectual property.

Drop a query if you have any questions regarding trademark search and we will get back to you quickly.

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1. How does Amazon SageMaker contribute to the trademark search process?

ANS: – Amazon SageMaker handles the query processing when a new trademark image is submitted. It uses machine learning models to generate embeddings for the query image and performs similarity searches against the vector database.

2. Why is Amazon OpenSearch Service chosen as the vector database?

ANS: – OpenSearch Service is well-suited for storing and searching high-dimensional vector data, like image embeddings. It enables efficient similarity searches, which is crucial for identifying visually similar trademarks.

WRITTEN BY Bineet Singh Kushwah

Bineet Singh Kushwah works as Associate Architect at CloudThat. His work revolves around data engineering, analytics, and machine learning projects. He is passionate about providing analytical solutions for business problems and deriving insights to enhance productivity. In a quest to learn and work with recent technologies, he spends the most time on upcoming data science trends and services in cloud platforms and keeps up with the advancements.



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